What was the one thing that sparked your interest in SF?
For me it was TOS Star Trek. One of my earlist memories is of the Enterpise in orbit arround an orange planet. I would have been 6/7 at the time. Hind sight tells me it must have been durning the third season. I remember I was up late and we were running an errand to my grand parents house and I was allowed to turn the tv for a few minutes while my mother did what ever it was she was doing. It was a treat because I was up late and COLOR TV!
I think originaly I was attracted to the action/adventure aspect of it but man I loved the heck out of it from that point on. In many of the Trek articals and books (not the novels) I read referanced other SF/Fantasy works and I followed the path as it lay before me.
For me it was TOS Star Trek. One of my earlist memories is of the Enterpise in orbit arround an orange planet. I would have been 6/7 at the time. Hind sight tells me it must have been durning the third season. I remember I was up late and we were running an errand to my grand parents house and I was allowed to turn the tv for a few minutes while my mother did what ever it was she was doing. It was a treat because I was up late and COLOR TV!
I think originaly I was attracted to the action/adventure aspect of it but man I loved the heck out of it from that point on. In many of the Trek articals and books (not the novels) I read referanced other SF/Fantasy works and I followed the path as it lay before me.