So, the 10,000T Meson N ships are the cheaper ships. Meson J is half the size of gun, buy you can't make them more than 25% smaller, and needs a 9 to penetrate nuke dampers, so is pretty toothless right out of the box, and only a couple of hits away from degraded to uselessness.
Sure, but a Mes-J is only about half as likely to hit and penetrate. Penetrating on 9+ (15/35) isn't all that bad...
J: 6/36 × 15/36 × 26/36 ≈ 0.05 ≈ 1/20.
N: 6/36 × 21/36 × 33/36 ≈ 0.09 ≈ 1/11.
Now compare your 40 kDt rock vs a 18 kDt rock with Ag-5 and a Mes-J. They are equally difficult to hit and immune to PA and missile fire. You get twice as many Mes-J rocks Mes-N rocks.
By having twice as many guns, the Mes-J rocks will achieve as many kills as the Mes-N rocks, but with twice as many hull they can take twice as many hits. The Mes-N rocks would have to achieve twice as many kills total, or four times as many kills per gun, to prevail.
As far as I can tell, Defensive weapons fire is resolved before screens are resolved (Game turn sequence, p 46 bottom).
Yes, they are useless as defences, but they are a weapon category that absorbs weapon hits.
So, if the enemy throws in a PA and a Repulsor bay it will take seven weapon hits, not five, to degrade the spinal one step.
But small battleship-wise, ~20,000T, you're at most getting 20 missile bays, -2 for a 2000-ton spinal, -the number of repulsor bays you have, and so at TL15, a 10+ on the Damper is letting in 1 in 6.
Sure, but make a 1300 Dt SDB/rider with a single missile bay and a few turrets. You get 20 of them all with a size DM of -1 to hit.
How long will it take a meson spinal to kill all 20? How many weapon hits will they have inflicted before then?
Yes, but additional systems require additional tonnage. Anyhow, the crits aren't what kills you, they just add insult to injury, so mitigating them doesn't solve the main problem, which is 1 or 2 Fuel Tank Shattered hits.
PA spinals does not do Fuel Tanks Shattered, only mesons do.
Against a 10 kDt Mes-N rider a PA-T inflicts one single size crit, it's worth a few tons to reduce the risk of mission kill by half... A computer, extra screens, and a frozen watch is not even 100 Dt and about GCr 0.25.
About the most useful thing you could have would be a reserve fuel tank, though by the RAW, Fuel Tanks Shattered takes all fuel on a ship no matter where you hide it.
Quite, it's a definite mission kill.
'And the ship may not be refuelled' prevents you from holding fuel as cargo, though I suppose if you could do that, then repair the Shattered result with a 9+ roll per Damage Control and Repair (on page 44),
You can't repair fuel tanks during the battle, only after the battle.
This is where the defensive half of the equation lies. You need Armor 20 to completely ignore hits from nuclear missiles and spinal particle beams, which is the goal of that class of ship.
Sure, but it makes them more vulnerable to mesons. TINSTAFL. 10 kDt Mes-N riders will see them as barely a speed-bump.
I'm not really worried about the autocrits on the buffered planetoid, they're 40,000 tons, hull N, that's no crits from the N Mesons, ...
Of course not, they have way too much armour for PA size crits.
Mesons kills by Fuel Tanks Shattered anyway, so size crits are kind of irrelevant.
Yes, but the Meson J is only about half as likely to get that hit through a Meson Screen, needing a 9+ (28%) as opposed on a Meson N that needs 7+ (58%). You'd need twice as many Meson J ships as Meson N ships, which isn't possible as described previously.
That was my original point, with half the kill rate, you don't need twice as many ships, you need ~1.4 times as many ships, as you get more guns AND more hulls (=can absorb more hits).
So, TL15 is ~300 years old. You would think they had time to build fleets of ships in the current TL and had wars to see what works and what doesn't? There have been 3 Frontier Wars (Third, Fourth, Fifth) fought at TL15, so you'd think people would have designs that take lessons learned at TL15 into account. Though as can be seen, these arguements go around in circles about what works on what.
Yes, old for the Impies, but the Zho and Sollies don't have TL-15 (yet). They presumably have TL-14 fleets well designed to fight Impie TL-15 fleets, which is a vast problem for them.