So, there's record of what happened when previous Keramish globes were returned and donated to the Emperor (or previous Emperors). The person who returned it was given an honorary title of Baron (or sometimes other 'generous' shows of Imperial gratitude).
But that the Emperor (and other Nobles) will not publicly admit that that's what will happen (even though it's publicly documented), so it's treated as if it's almost a rumor. A legend of sorts.
A 500 year old legend of an item that could then go from: "
That's nothing - melt it down and sell the scrap metal" to "[waves a gun at the PCs]
Give me that and put your hands in the air! The Emperor will make me an ArchDuke if I turn it in!"
Because, in this day and age, people will listen to what someone else tells them instead of looking it up. Maybe that's changed in the 3rd Imperium, but I doubt human nature would change that much.
And the PCs definitely want to sell this legendary bauble?
You say you would like all of us to help you determine the value or estimated value - either 'fair market value' or 'at auction'. You've disagreed with people who even gave you historical references. And have even had a 'discussion' about the 'incorrect' distribution of Social Classes throughout the Imperium in the middle of the thread.
Did I get all that right?
The Imperial Ministry of Humor would like to inform you that that's not very fraking funny.
Or it's the funniest thing I've seen in a while.

Who are you and what did you do with Rancke?
I honestly don't see how you can come up with a consensus here. Everybody is going to have a different opinion. And you've disagreed with several.
It's a great thought experiment, but I think you're going to have to stick with 32.754MCr.
Oh, c'mon. I couldn't have convoluted it more than it already is.