Currently it's been T20 base with some house rules mainly developed by the main GM of the game. The main house rules are using martial arts training inspired mainly by CP2020's advanced martial arts system and melee/ranged cross-class "skills" up to total character level when combined with BAB. The later allows for the noble who's very very good with a sword but lousy with a pistol with a minimum of fuss. Also allowed the option of just spending x number of XP at chargen instead of going through prior history.
If I were to run my own T20 game or be main GM for such a game I'd likely allow use of a Mutants & Masterminds or BESM d20 based point system using mainly T20 skills and feats. At the least M&M optional three attack skills (melee, ranged, unarmed). In general any published Traveller rule or other tidbit that can add something to the mix and is available to me is liable to be used. I've used GT and TNE material for example for planetary detail.
Ideally I’d use BESM/Tri-Stat dX converting where needed and if specifics are useful use GT/CT/MT/T20 etc. to come up with them or just wing it. A BRP* Traveller mix could be fast and fun though, as would Unisystem Lite but I've not run UL. Looking forward to the new BRP book whenever it comes out.
Casey (I'd post links but I think I did last time I responded to such a thread and it's a Friday ^_^ )
* though likely with some tweaks from the game Unknown Armies; minor to major skill checks, minimum rolls
If I were to run my own T20 game or be main GM for such a game I'd likely allow use of a Mutants & Masterminds or BESM d20 based point system using mainly T20 skills and feats. At the least M&M optional three attack skills (melee, ranged, unarmed). In general any published Traveller rule or other tidbit that can add something to the mix and is available to me is liable to be used. I've used GT and TNE material for example for planetary detail.
Ideally I’d use BESM/Tri-Stat dX converting where needed and if specifics are useful use GT/CT/MT/T20 etc. to come up with them or just wing it. A BRP* Traveller mix could be fast and fun though, as would Unisystem Lite but I've not run UL. Looking forward to the new BRP book whenever it comes out.
Casey (I'd post links but I think I did last time I responded to such a thread and it's a Friday ^_^ )
* though likely with some tweaks from the game Unknown Armies; minor to major skill checks, minimum rolls