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Which RPG system do you use IYTU?

Currently it's been T20 base with some house rules mainly developed by the main GM of the game. The main house rules are using martial arts training inspired mainly by CP2020's advanced martial arts system and melee/ranged cross-class "skills" up to total character level when combined with BAB. The later allows for the noble who's very very good with a sword but lousy with a pistol with a minimum of fuss. Also allowed the option of just spending x number of XP at chargen instead of going through prior history.

If I were to run my own T20 game or be main GM for such a game I'd likely allow use of a Mutants & Masterminds or BESM d20 based point system using mainly T20 skills and feats. At the least M&M optional three attack skills (melee, ranged, unarmed). In general any published Traveller rule or other tidbit that can add something to the mix and is available to me is liable to be used. I've used GT and TNE material for example for planetary detail.

Ideally I’d use BESM/Tri-Stat dX converting where needed and if specifics are useful use GT/CT/MT/T20 etc. to come up with them or just wing it. A BRP* Traveller mix could be fast and fun though, as would Unisystem Lite but I've not run UL. Looking forward to the new BRP book whenever it comes out.

Casey (I'd post links but I think I did last time I responded to such a thread and it's a Friday ^_^ )

* though likely with some tweaks from the game Unknown Armies; minor to major skill checks, minimum rolls
Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Heh, am I the only person here who likes the TNE rules?
Nah your fellow heretic Liam's not posted yet. ^_^
shrugs Around 1993 I hadn't played any Traveller since the early 80's. I had played some TW2K 2.0 and liked it* (though big combats tended to bog down) but TNE's layout (and most GDW books at the time) made my eyes bleed so I never bought it then. It was a pricey book and even then it seemed incomplete. Compared to that CoC 5th Edition was cheaper, complete, and well done; Planescape was amazing; and Vampire was much better presented even with all the "see page xx" gaffs.

These days I like some bits from it (WBH and parts of FF&S come to mind) but if I want roll-under...well see my post above under ideal system. ^_^


* except that folk got hit in the left leg a lot, I think GMs tended to use the wrong dice for hit location sometimes
Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Heh, am I the only person here who likes the TNE rules?
Thou art not alone. :D

In fact a D20 rollunder system is pretty much like a percentile-based system (only divided by 5), and almost as intuitive. ;)
Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Heh, am I the only person here who likes the TNE rules?

Nope. The last time I ran Traveller it was TNE. I liked the feel of TNE for the most part, except for how 'un-lethal' it seemed to be at the low power end of the weapons spectrum (pistols, hand weapons, etc.).
I use Classic Traveller and GURPS Traveller at the moment. I have run T20 and plan to do some more as soon as either of the current campaigns come to a convenient point.

I did run TNE when I was on the GDW Demo team and it was OK. I would run it again, if asked.

I also ran MMT (T4) for a while, but reverted to Classic prett quickly.

The other rules I have used for Traveller games were the Alternity rules from WoTC. They worked pretty well and the adventures work well in Traveller settings too.


Me personnally. I use basically the CT rules, but fudge a lot, and mix in bits'n'pieces from all sorts of stuff.... extremely 'house' rules, but our group concentrates more on the 'Role' playing than the 'Roll' playing... basically just use dice rolls to generate random outcomes, and I give things a sort of guestimate of their chances and ask to roll the appropriate die/dice (D4, D6, D8... etc)

I do like the TNE way of XP and skills/attributes, so I use that. There's also some AD&D stuff in their (generally the Non-Weapon Proficiency bit), and little bits I've pick up on.

I think CT is excellent, but you've got to remember when it was written. RPG's have come a long way since then, and there's so much more the designers have thought of, stole, modified etc for their system and from others... I basically just keep on with that tradition....
Right now I use CT to generate characters, T4 , for its task system,and At Close Quarters for its combat system( it's SNAPSHOT re-written for T4). I use Highguard for starship construction and Book 2 for starship combat......So I've got a sort of home brew set of rules taken from CT/T4.......For starship fleet battles I use STARFIRE..
Thanks for the info....I'll look at it, I'll read it, and tell either you or mark what I think. Is T5 in production ? I haven't seen any T5 materials at my favorite game stores. If it's not in production, When is it due to hit the shelves?
MT for preparation, MT-lite for actual play.

By which I mean I start off intending to use MT rules but I don't bother applying alot of them ... instead preferring to improvise on the fly. I hide behind the MT rulebooks to give the illusion of impartiality when necessary, but there has been more than one session where the rulebooks didn't even come out of the box!

Character generation is MT advanced careers only with loads of house rules. Ship construction is MT. Equipment and weapon stats are MT. That's about it.

Regards PLST

MT for preparation, MT-lite for actual play.

By which I mean I start off intending to use MT rules but I don't bother applying alot of them ... instead preferring to improvise on the fly. I hide behind the MT rulebooks to give the illusion of impartiality when necessary, but there has been more than one session where the rulebooks didn't even come out of the box!
About the same game that I play.
I use the TNE system with some homebrew mods. Mostly because prior to running TNE I ran Twilight 2000. (Essentially the same system) I have alot of CT stuff and the three core books for MT and borrow from the chargen systems alot.
I changed the rules for autofire resolution, and have reduced player character hit points to STR + CON rather than STR + CON x2 for eg (where applicable). I prefer the "ships use fuel" realism of Brilliant lances space combat but find space combats to be slow intricate things to resolve especially with more than a handfull of ships involved, or big ships involved. Thats both a bad and good point for me as I like the detail involved, CT's too simplistic on that front for my tastes, but it really slows my games down to have a space battle.
I've played and run all sorts of games so I don't have problems with roll under vs roll over mechanics, though I am partial to percentile dice rolls so I guess that's why I never had a problem with roll under task resolution.
Finally, the bigest selling point of TNE for me is Fire, Fusion, and Steel. Core rules doesn't have something you want? not in the equipment section of supplements? FF&S lets you build it. I guess I lean more towards the simulationist roleplayer....
Originally posted by G K Zhukov:
I am partial to TNE. Must be the wargamer and gearhead in me... :cool:
About the same with me.....I'm working on a
grand tactical version as we speak... :D

Ah it's the wargamer gene..... ;)
I like the conglomerate unit rules for MT. I've found that, aside from the excreble HG combat for ships, MT is far more the wargamer's Traveller.

Which is why all my Merc Traveller gaming has been done under MT. We can wargame it out with extant in-the-book rules. All weapons and equipment can be fit into the same damage and fire rules.

It has "Vertical integration of scales"; I can just as easily field a bunch of units and have PC's out individually, and not have to worry about conversions (Unit to Personal; CT to Striker/AHL), nor differing sets of weapon stats by target type (TNE), nor scaling (T20).

I've always hated HG combat. I hated it under CT, and under MT, and Even T20's take on it is unsatisfying... I like BL's details, but not the universe of TNE... nor the drastic effects the assumptions of BL impose upon a U un by it's tech paradigm.

I'v also used 2300 to run the OTU.
My TNE era Corridor Depot campaign uses T20 with home rules developed from MT, TNE, CT and a variety of other systems...

My first and only Traveller campaign used the Classic Rules, books 1-3 and supplement 4. I haven't made up my mind what I want to use for the next campaign. The support of T20 and GURPS Traveller is alluring, but I could find more players by going with d20 Future. I'd also like to try running a campaign with 2nd edition Spacemaster.