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Whisper Suit


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Developed by popular demand in my last campaign for a player with a highly skilled and experienced corporate security officer (and now retired, a opportunistic thief), this suit allowed him to float along in air ducts, do the cat-burglar thing, and avoid getting gassed, shot with trip-wired lasers, and dodge attack dogs.

All very Mission Impossible; pretty specialized but not overpowered.

Whisper Suit TL-10 15,000Cr.

Designed to fit the needs of corporate covert operatives the Whispersuit is a lightly armored suit sealed to the environment and made to conceal the wearer from intrusion detection and some environmental hazards. The suit cannot be used as a vacc suit, but does have a closed life support system that allows the wearer to operate underwater, in non-corrosive exotic atmospheres, thin, and tainted atmospheres through use of a compact rebreather, combination filter/compressor mask, and backpack providing support and power for 8 hours. The power packs, and life support systems are integrated into the suit's contours by using semi-flexible form factors located on the waist, back, and chest surfaces.

The suit includes a helmet and clear faceplate with thermal imaging, light intensification, telescopic electronics and a communications/computer link system with a 20 kilometer range. Data and image enhancements are projected onto the HUD display and can be simultaneously recorded and burst-transmitted to another location.

The suit has armor designed for multiple threats, yet is still light and comfortable to wear without hindering movement. A Mesh outer shell with Cloth panels over vital areas allows for Cloth+1 protection levels against ballistic and energy weapon threats, and Mesh protection against bladed weapons. The suit also has a small trauma kit with room for three auto-injectors that are usually loaded with medical and anti-shock drugs in case of injury. The included medcomp monitors the wearer's condition and will automatically administer the drugs if required.

The covert features of the Whispersuit are primarily focused on passive and active camouflage, heat masking, and reducing the wearer's impact on the environment around him. A small grav module automatically reduces the wearer's effective weight to near neutral, but does not allow for flight due to power limitations. This allows movement without leaving footprints, risk of triggering mines or alarms that use weight and impact as a means of detection, and helps the wearer scale walls and obstacles. With the grav-assist movement rates are doubled.

Gloves, kneepads, and boots have Geckopad surfaces, which in combination with the grav-assist module allow the wearer to move across nearly any surface at any angle. Active camofilm with texturizing matches the suit's surface to the colors and textures (within reason, mainly to help blend with rough textures and the matte specularity they produce) of the surface it touches and/or is nearest to near seamless blending with the environment. Two chill cans slotted into the suit will eliminate the suit's IR signature for up to eight hours.

A tactical harness and large cargo pockets on the thighs, upper arms, and chest complete the suit. All features are designed with sound elimination in mind, and properly fitted, even with full pockets (adjustment tabs and straps reduce pocket contents noise) the suit is silent while the wearer moves.