First Post, in a real sense
I am a newish personality. I intended on just being a passive Lurker, but the prompt wants me to say Hi. Being weak, Hi.
Hello, old Friends. Odd thing to say, had a stroke, affects my memory. I used to post here, some, several years ago, but don't remember even my login name. Funny.
If anybody has an idea how I might find out my old login information, I would appreciate your help. Just the Name, I would like to read my old stuff.
I ran Traveller since 79 or so, 'my' Players have largely abandoned me, the drooling gets unsettling, I reckon. Not that bad really, but it is unsettling to have someone have no idea who you are, I'm sure.
All things Old are New again. Re-reading the old books, I'm revisiting my youth; reading the CoTI, really enjoying your arguments, I feel that I know some of you, but for the life of me, have no idea who you are, or who I 'am'.
Reboot, reload, format and reinstall if necessary.
Life is wierd, but it beats the alternative. Peace, in our minds, if not our times. I used to say that a lot, I think.
Does anybody read this stuff? :devil:
Name: Will (Ill Will)
Age: 52, too damn young, and too damn old
Country: Free state of Winston
Favorite version of Traveller: LBB
Military Service: MYOB
Favorite Supplement: The Traveller Adventure
Favorite Sector : Reaver's Deep
Favorite Race : Hiver
Favorite Empire : Byzantine