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Who are we?

The RPG was apparently cancelled, since the forae for it were deleted by the System Admin / Company Owner...
Well, howdy!

We are mostly centered around the Traveller universe here, but welcome to our group. I am not familiar with Aldenata RPG environment. What's it all about?
Name: Michael
Age: Old enough to reach the next age bracket on the PT test (42)
Country: Virginia, USA (lately and always subject to change)
Favorite version of Traveller: CT
Military Service: Army Infantry
Favorite Suppliment: Striker
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Vargr (never was much of a cat person)
Favorite Empire: 3rd Imperium
See my entry (page 53, post #524).

Where were you stationed?
Me: schools '81-'83, MCAS El Toro '83-'89.

1987, MCRD San Diego, then 29 Palms for MOS school, then Okinawa until 90, then Cherry Point until 92. Lots of fun Korea trips, Thailand, Norway, and at Cherry Point I went to Niland Cali (R2507N&S) more than I got sent to Lejune.

While a guardsman I went to Baumholder, GE one summer and spent a year in Ansbach, GE.
Just Iwakuni, Japan & Cubi Point, P.I. for me (plus port-calls in Vancouver BC, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, & Hong Kong).

Europe would have been nice, but the USMC didn't go there (at least not the air wing).
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I'm Derrick (Del) Jones, been playing Traveller since about 1984. I'm a BITS member and have been involved in playtesting Power Projection with Dom Mooney. I don't get to regularly play Traveller nowadays, since my gaming group (St Helens, Lancashire, UK) prefer RuneQuest and Bushido, but I'll be at TravCon '08 this year....

Carl, not an active gamer and haven't been for a looooong time. Collector mainly, currently looking into Traveller in it's many forms. registered here to try and get a handle on the history of the Imperium, to try and see where everything fits, history-wise.

Wish me luck as I dive in but just a few quick questions - obvious to those in the know - Imperial history pretty much remains the same thoughout the various incarnations of the rules; right? The real difference is in GURPS when Strephon is NOT assassinated - right? 4th edition is based at the beginning of the 3rd empire, after thje long night? (So Milieu 0 would be a good product to get if I were interested in that)?

Just a quick, idiot-proof, primer would be nice!

Name: Dilgaadin
Age: coming of age (39)
Country: Germany (Hesse)
Favorite version of Traveller: MT / GT
Military Service: Conscientious Objector, served in a hospital for almost 2 years
Favorite Suppliment: Digest Group's World Builder's Handbook
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Hivers
Favorite Empire: The Imperium, Hive Federation a close second
Name: Whitestreak1
Age: Old enough to still own original LBB (46)
Country: USA
Favorite version of Traveller: TNE, although CT is still fun to play
Military Service: USAF, 1979-1987
Favorite Suppliment: Fire, Fusion & Steel
Favorite Sector: Diaspora
Favorite Race: Humans
Favorite Empire: Reformation Coalition

I've been gaming for a long, long time - my first purchases were the original small books for D&D back in the early 70s. When Traveller came out, I was hooked at first sight.
Who am I?

Name: Bryan R (used to be registered here under that name, donno what happened)
Age: Old enough to have drooled over The Traveller Book (34)
Country: (Upper) Canada
Favorite version of Traveller: MegaTraveller (with houserules)
Military Service: None
Favorite Suppliment: Solomani & Aslan The Rimward Races (don't have many supplements though)
Favorite Sector: Solomani Rim
Favorite Race: Aslan
Favorite Empire: Tie: Aslan Hierate & Terran Confederation
First Post, in a real sense

I am a newish personality. I intended on just being a passive Lurker, but the prompt wants me to say Hi. Being weak, Hi.

Hello, old Friends. Odd thing to say, had a stroke, affects my memory. I used to post here, some, several years ago, but don't remember even my login name. Funny.

If anybody has an idea how I might find out my old login information, I would appreciate your help. Just the Name, I would like to read my old stuff.

I ran Traveller since 79 or so, 'my' Players have largely abandoned me, the drooling gets unsettling, I reckon. Not that bad really, but it is unsettling to have someone have no idea who you are, I'm sure.

All things Old are New again. Re-reading the old books, I'm revisiting my youth; reading the CoTI, really enjoying your arguments, I feel that I know some of you, but for the life of me, have no idea who you are, or who I 'am'.

Reboot, reload, format and reinstall if necessary.

Life is wierd, but it beats the alternative. Peace, in our minds, if not our times. I used to say that a lot, I think.

Does anybody read this stuff? :devil:

Name: Will (Ill Will)
Age: 52, too damn young, and too damn old
Country: Free state of Winston
Favorite version of Traveller: LBB
Military Service: MYOB
Favorite Supplement: The Traveller Adventure
Favorite Sector : Reaver's Deep
Favorite Race : Hiver
Favorite Empire : Byzantine


The prompt thingy wants me to post and I, too, am weak :)

Name: David
Age: At the wrinkley (as in "is it my birthday THIS month?") end of 42
Country: New Zealand
Favorite version of Traveller: CT - you mean there were others? ;)
Military Service: None - six terms in the Television industry, so the bonus rolls are starting to stack up.
Favorite Suppliment: Fighting Ships - wish the Keiths had done the illos, tho'.
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches and my own Rimworlds Sector
Favorite Race: Vargr, Aslan, Hivers
Favorite Empire: 3rd Imperium

Still have my LLBs and ran my first game in 10 years a few weeks back. Everybody had fun and completed the mission - I can still do this!


Oz tray-lee-ya

Name: James - Perseus, as in the 'Perseus arm' of the Milky Way

Age: 42, lots of people born in '65. remember man on the moon in '69.

Country: Australia. east coast, suptropics. great beaches, hot, hot summers...

Favorite version of Traveller: CT, but MT and all are Good. looking fwd to T5

Military Service: No, but been a school teacher, does that count as dangerous enough?
Favorite Supplement: Not sure, probably Spinward marches, though...
Favorite Sector: Regina
Favorite Race: Three legged or potato sack
Favorite Empire: The imperium, where else are you gonna find such diversity?
Favorite World: there have been so many...

I had a first ed. D&D set (cost my parents $12.95!) then a friend across the road introduced me to traveller, and I loved it. Recently picked up a LBB set for $5. Been a player and a GM quite a bit, getting more interested after a long absence.
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Guess I should I should finally get around to posting something here... :)

Name: Todd
Age: 40(ish)
Country: USofA
Favorite version of Traveller: CT
Military Service: 3-term vet of the US Navy [ET1(SS)]
Favorite Supplement: Yes ("Oh, wait... you mean I gotta pick one?")
Favorite Sector : Spinward Marches
Favorite Race : America's Cup :p
Favorite Empire : Third Imperium

Hi there!
Long time lurker and finally decided to introduce myself :)
Name: Blazej
Age: 30
Country: Poland
Favourite version of Traveller: TNE (I started with this in '95 and despite having some books from all settings am still faithful to it :) )
Military service: No
Favourite Supplement: Regency Sourcebook
Favourite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favourite Race: Darrians (followed closely by Aslan)
Favourite Empire: Regency
Name: Daniel
Age: 50
Country: USofA - South Florida this year, Next? Who Knows, LOL
Favorite version of Traveller: CT w/some MT Mods
Military Service: 13.5 yrs Army, Scout/Special Forces/Personnel Admin
Favorite Supplement: World Builders Handbook
Favorite Sector : Spinward Marches
Favorite Race : Darrians/Vargr
Favorite Empire : Third Imperium