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Who are we?

Name: plop101
Age: 34
Country: USA, Hot Springs, Arkansas
Favorite version of Traveller: CT/MT
Military Service: Airforce Brat Rank EB-8, 16 years
Favorite Adventure/Suppliment: Beltstrike
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches/Solomani Rim
Favorite Race to Play: Humans
Favorite Race for NPC: Newt
Favorite Planets: Arba/Lunion, Terra/Sol.
Favorite Systems: Any system with an asteroid belt
Favorite ship: Any Type S Scout
Favorite Major Race: Humans, et all
Favorite Minor Race: Newts
Favorite Empire: Ye Olde Imperium
Favorite character to play: Any Scout or Belter
Favorite meal: Double Cheese Groat Burger, with Sylean Wedge Fries and a extra
large Diet Ochre Cola
Name: George A. Boyett (Initial needed for legal reasons) ;)
Age: 29+

Country: USA
Military Service: None
Favorite Version of Traveller: GURPS Traveller with CT/MT close second
Favorite Adventure: Twilight's Peak
Favorite Supplements: Beltstrike
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Major Races: Humaniti, Aslani, Droyne
Favorite Minor Race: Darrian
Favorite Starship: Sulieman Scout/Courier
Favorite Characters: Scout, Belter, Barbarian
Originally posted by Gallowglass:
"English was a language invented by Norman invaders to pick up Anglo-Saxon barmaids. It retains much of this character."
- Either from H. Beam Piper or Paul Drye's English professor
Peter Newman
The Piper qoute I think was "and what is English? The result of attempts by Norman men-at-arms to pick up Saxon barmaids and about as 'legitmate' as any of the other offspring from such unions"

Said in response by one character to another characters Complaint that a student of an alien species called 'fuzzy' could not be 'legitmately' called a 'Fuzzyologist'

Sorry BIG H.B.Piper fan (I suspect MWM is not unfamilier with Pipers work too.
Name: Garfield (no... really. That durn cat made my high school days rather ... surreal)

UPP 864AA7

Prior History:
Term 1: Flunked out of Engineering, Geology and a few other programs at a number of universities.

Research, Carousing

Term 2:um.. Merchant (how else to describe working as a waiter, a security guard and pulling down some part time duty in the local Army Reserves, while studying history part-time?) -Failed survival roll (illness manifesting in teenage years finally became dehibilitating enough to get diagnosed)

Steward, Tactics, Combat Rifleman, Admin, Edu +1, End -2

Two year term.

Term 3: 'scholar' career (was a developmental service worker with a sideline as a volunteer ambulance driver. And hobbie of target shooting, and short fiction) Admin, Medicine, Steward, Pistol, ground vehicles, performance: writing

Term 4: College (scholars can do that

Admin, Medicine, Research, Pistol, End -1

Term 5: 'Scholar' (that's the career they stick medical proffessionals in T4) (also resdiscovered games and gaming, got hooked on strategy Minatures)

Admin, Strength +1, End +1, Dex +1, Carousing, Tactics.

Favourites: ARG! that's SO unfair I love it all or most of it.

Game Milleu: CT ( Spinward Marches circa 1100)
Supplement: Judges Guild - Startown Liberty
Rules Set: Later rules sets seem to involve fewer home mods from me. T4 only need some penciling for rules. (though I ignored most of the equipment names and descriptions.)
Adventure: There's so many, and more I haven't tried.. hmmm ...
Annic Nova - has much nostalgia
Murder on Arcturus Station - has much pottential. (especially since it's half way to being one of those 'how to host a murder' games)
Leviathan - looks cool. never played it.
Kiunir - got a lot of play when I was younger.
The Traveller Adventure - formed the basis of play for my last two campaigns.
Rubicon Cross - made a ROCKIN' newbie intro game.

Empire: hmmm Probably 3rd Imperium
Race: Vargr are just too cool but Aslan are neat as are the idea of uplifts. (don't remember those from most of my stuff)
Ship: The Imperial Scout.
Gear: The Snub pistol
Game Aspect: Prior history. (it makes COOL characters, and is the main reason GT doesn't get my seal of good rping)
Mileau Aspect: Psionics and Imperial attitudes: "Excuse me, I'm looking for the Psionics insti..."
"WITCH!!! burn the WITCH!!!"

Favourite Authors to steal from when creating home brew:
Marion Zimmer Bradly (for CT psionics)
CJ Cherryh for Merchants, Mercs, and Aslan
H.B.Piper for freebooting blood and thunder, for mercs, for the sweep of history and for the 'Lone Star Planet'.(aka: A Planet for Texans)
(Piper is also just good to read for his own sake, his federation, and empire (and the space vikings in between) make interesting paralells with the Traveller universe. His Suicide cut his career short long before many of us were born but his existing stories are dynamite.)
Name: Brian
Age: 37
Classic Traveller, i love High Guard, but the all time best supliment has to be mercenay.
Me other 1 term, murchant 4 terms LOL.
Name: Jim
Age: 40 in a few days, Officially not young enough anymore
Home: Las Vegas NV. USA, when I am not deployed to who knows where
Military: 19 years Air Force AMMO
Location: USA,Europe, Mid East, Korea, Others
Favorite Traveller Version: CT
Favorite Supplement: High Guard, quite yellowed
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: Vargr
Favorite Empire: The Darrians, they can keep a secret
Favorite Ship: Kinunir, lots of room to spread out
Favorite Character: Raider
Favorite Author: Lois Bujold, H Beam Piper
UPP: 676AB6
Skills: Archery-3
Combat rifleman-2
Wheeled vehicle driver-2
Aromor repair-1

In the end, Murphy will rule
Name: John Gardner
Age: 33
Country: US
Favorite version of Traveller: TNE/homebrew
Military Service: 3yrs active, 1st Cav (armor),
3 yrs reserve (drill instructor, 98th Div TNG)
Occupation: mechanical engineer
Previous occupations: manual labor, DTP/typesetting, and anything I could find while going after my degree.
Favorite Suppliment: Traders and gunboats
Favorite Sector: Solomani Rim
Favorite Race: Human (I know, how mundane!)
Favorite Empire: The Imperium
(Edited for T-20 conversion to the Faith!)
[Edited for Post Operation Iraqi Freedom II]
Name: Daniel W Hammersley
AKA: Liam Devlin (my pseudonymn for 22+ years)
Age: 42 (every 4 years I get turkey with my cake).
UPP Str12/Int16/Wis 14/DEX15/CON15/CHR 16(17 vs opposite sex)/EDU14/Psi10:(BS detection 18)/SOC-08
Country: USA, Arkansas

Favorite version of Traveller: TNE/homebrew (with T-20)

Military Service: 9yrs 3mos 19days Active, 7th Inf Div (lt), 101st ABN/AASLT Div.(Infantry)11B,
6 yrs, 3mos. 8 days.. Guard 2nd /153rd, Infantry, and counting (now in 4term)

Occupation: Military School's computer registrar, Part-time soldier now. Father of three children, 2 labrador Vargr ladies(2 have died), 3 adult Aslan wannabe cats.
Previous occupations: manual labor, SCA merchant of chests boxes and camp funishings,(still do), Fast food thru college, Transformer repairman, Ranch-hand, gardener.

Favorite Supplement: Hard Times, by Charles Gannon, Arrival vengeance.(module)

Favorite Sector: I'll second Bryan Gibson on this--They're all good!

Favorite Race: Solomani Humans of the Marches.
Favorite Empire: The Imperium
Fav Major race: Aslan, Darrians
Fav Minor Race: Raccoonids of Dentus!!!(democracy by fish-fling!)
Fav Adventure: "Arrival Vengeance"
Fav Character classes: (in order): Scout/ Belter/ Marine Pilot/Undercover Agent.
Favorite ship: An Azhanti High Lightning (dream big guys, dream big!)FI-CA. After that, a Sulieman Scout with better M-drives than M-2!
Fav Weapon, TL-14 mini Gauss (a brace O them please!)
FAV SHip's Weapon, Meson spinal Mount, any size will do...when you absolutely have to nuke something twice!

Favorite Authors: Jack Higgins, Fredrick Forsythe, Robert Ludlum; CJ Cherryh; Robert Heinlein; Jerry Pournelle, Larry Niven, David Weber, David Drake, Glen Cook, JRR Tolkien, Robert E Howard, Tom Clancy.Steven Brust, Ben Bova, and RE Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, JRR Tolkien..aw heck, my wife's the family librarian!

Favorite past times: homebrewing (Spiced meads), teaching brewing, sampling brews; chasin' ladies, singing at bardic circles (SCA); writing on this board, bedevilling TJ, caring for two Labs, spoiling two cats, sampling other alcoholic substances, staying up late, answering posts to this board.

Favorite Reading material fer Traveller:

David Drake's "Hammer's Slammers" series (Heavy metal Sci Fi Combat)

CJ Cherryh: "Merchanter's Luck", "Heavy Time/Hell-Burner" series; "Pride of Chanur" series, "Earth-Union" series, "Foreigner" series; "Rimrunners" (fer merchies, Belters, aliens, Cloning, interstellar battles, and Smugglers).

Bujold's "Vorkosigan" series (secret agents, big plots, humor, and a lot of action!)

Weber's Honor harrington series (Interstellar naval battles-Navy stuff)

Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" (marines), "Friday" & Citizen of the Galaxy" (Free Traders, customs, line marriages); "Moon is a harsh Mistress" (Colonies, politics, war, and asteroid bombings in gravity wells!)

To name a few... :D
Name: Opie (my nickname from a DI)but call me Vaughan if you like!
Age: 33 ( hiding from 34)
Country: USA (Vicenza, Italy -173rd Airborne Brigade)
Military Service: currently.... 91W2P
College Ed: Hampden-Sydney College< HSC >
Past occupations: Paramedic, Richmond Ambulance Authority (1 and half years: worked full time while in college), Vol Fire fighter-Medic (4 years at College Dept.-Former EMS lt.), Surveyor's Assistant(6 mo.)

Fav. Version: CT (waiting for CT+)
Fav Supplement: Striker & Mercenary
Fav. Sector: the Greater Spinward Marches Area
Fav. Ship: my 800ton Corsair (arrrgh)
Fav. Race: Zhodani & Sword Worlders....death to the imperial scum!
Fav sector: Greater Spinward Marches Area
Fav Empire: Mine!!!!!( a little Ego there)
Fav Book: Starship Troopers
Fav Comic: Calvin & Hobbes
Fav Weapon: M4w/ M68,rail system PAC-4, and my Gangster Grip.

Fav Drug: Indocin (makes the ache go away)
Fav Dream date: Renee' Zellwegner

Other Intrests: Biathlon (on pause due to a lack of snow and oh yeah that little thing of a war we have going)Miniature wargaming (AOR, DBA, DDM, DBR), Rugby (play second row and break),SAR,The Great Books, extreme EMS and a big fan of sleep.

Name: Lisa
Age: 22
Country: England
Favourite Traveller: Gurps (I wasnt even alive when CT was around ok!!!)
Military Service: Yeah righto
Favourite Supplement: First In
Favourite Sector: The Marches
Favourite Race: Vilani
Favourite Empire: Roman..I mean 3rd Imperium
Alright, I suppose I've been on these boards long enough to do one of these!

Name: Alec

Age: 32

Country: USA

Military Service: I resepct anyone who puts on the uniform but if the military wants me they're going to have to reinstate the draft!

Favorite TRAVELLER: I like all versions for one reason or another but right now I'm partial to T4.

Favorite supplement: TRAVELLER referee's screens (for all versions)

Favorite sector: Old Expanses ala TNE (although my next campaign is going to be set in the STAR FRONTIERS setting).

Favorite race: Deenar (from T4). I think they're a more creative idea for an alien race than the Aslan or Vargr (no offense RabidVargr!).

Favorite empire: The Dominion (from DS9...sorry, I don't really care for the OTU or any of its Imperiums).
Name: Mark
Age: 34
Country: USA, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, City of Pittsburgh.
Military Service: Regretfully, none. I was on my way to the recruiter...
Favorite Version of Traveller: Classic
Favorite Adventure: Any of Ed's grand concoctions
Favorite Supplements: Survival Margin
Favorite Sector: Reaver's Deep
Favorite Major Race: Human (to play) Vargr (to adventure with)
Favorite Minor Race: Yazirian and Humma (stolen from Star Frontiers)
Favorite Starship: Modified Empress Marava
Favorite Characters: Belter, Scout, Corsair
Guess it's about time I got around to adding my post to this topic.

Name: Rob
Age: 37
Country: USA
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller
Military Service: 12 years Army Infantry (O1 to O3): 4 Years 82d Abn, 4 Years BIFV, 2 Years Recruiting, 2 Years FAO in Bosnia
Favorite Supplement: Startown Liberty (Gamelords)
Favorite Sector: Any with a border
Favorite Race: Humaniti
Favorite Empire: The Imperium
Whooho! my first post... I think... yes, yes it is.

Name: Bryan(my god, I used my real name!)
Age: 28
Country: Canada
Favourite Traveller: Megatraveller
Military Service: None, met some meathead weekend-warrior cadets in high school who killed any interst in that.
Favourite Supplement: Aslan
Favourite Sector: Don't even know where we are in the campaign I'm currently in! :confused:
Favourite Race: Aslan
Favourite Empire: UFP ;) (star trek I know, but they make democracy a prerequisite of joining, the Imperium tolerates faschists, theocracies, etc...)
Name: Mark A. Siefert.
Home: Muskego, Wisconsin, USA.
Favorite Traveller Game, Setting, Alien Race, Supplement, Etc.: I don't know... I haven't been able to play just yet.
Favorite Food Variety: Chinese.
Favorite Dog Breed: Brittany.
Favorite Handgun: Springfield Armory 1911A .45 ACP.
Favorite U.S. President: Thomas Jefferson.
Favorite Toothpaste: Crest.
Favorite Toothbrush: Bruan/OralB.
Favorite Tooth: #3 Incisor.
Favorite Brand of Acrylic Paint: Testors Model Master Acryl.
Favorite Cellular Telephone Company: U.S. Cellular (since they pay me).
Favorite Marx Brother: Groucho.
Favorite Stooge: Moe.
Beatles or Elvis?: Meat Loaf.
Jeans or Slacks?: Kilts.
Boxers or Briefs?: What part of KILTS didn't you understand? ;)

...I could go on like this all day.

Mark A. Siefert
Favorite Vestigual Organ: Duodenum.
Name: Scarecrow
Job: Computer Games Artist/modeller/animator for Acclaim Studios
Age: 33
Country: England (Welsh ex-pat)
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller but with a shot in the arm from other versions.
Military Service: er... does watching ALIENS count?
Favorite Suppliment: High Guard followed by GURPS Traveller: Starports.
Favorite Sector: Regina/Spinward Marches
Favorite Race: The winged ones from Traveller:2300 (Sung?)
Favorite Empire:Japan around 1600

Wow! Reading this thread has shown me two things. Firstly that at 33 I'm actually still a youngster and that it seems everyone except me has done some sort of military service. Sort of makes me feel ashamed. I can't help it! I'm an artist! I had long hair at the time!!
Name: Bob Weaver (surprise!)
Age: 32
Country: USA
Military Service: USAR, hospital corpsman
Favorite Version: Classic Traveller (esp Bk 5)
Favorite Supplement: JTAS
Favorite Sector: My custom universe
Favorite Empire: Talaveran Empire (see above)
Favorite World: Talavera (Water world with 9 billion people, including intelligent dolphins)
Name: David
Job: Secure Courier
Age: 45 ( what the hell happened there....)
Country: USA
Favorite version of Traveller: Classic Traveller but with a shot in the arm from other versions.
Military Service: US Army 3 terms Cavalry/Combat Engineers
Favorite Supplement: Mercenary
Favorite Sector: The Trojan Reaches
Favorite Race: Solomani
Last edited:
Name: Sean O'Leary
Age: 37
Country: USA
Military Service: None.
Favorite Version of Traveller: Classic
Favorite Adventure: Marooned Alone
Favorite Supplements: JTAS, really.
Favorite Sector: Solomani Rim
Favorite Major Race: Vargr
Favorite Minor Race: Virushi
Favorite Starship: King Richard
Favorite Characters: Scout, Navy