Liam Devlin
SOC-14 5K
welcome aboard, Herr Admiral!
One whole h&*l of a lot more than most around here that can't even be bothered to do that much! Welcome!Originally posted by Aldan Romar:
Military Service Uhmm, most of my Alter-Egos (read: Player Characters) did... (*whispering* "Does community service count?")
Sir, thank you, sir!TheColonel :
Thanks, makes me blush...William:
__________________________________________Originally posted by La Bete:
Name: Dave Matthews
Age: 29
Country: Nouvelle Zélande
Favourite Version of Traveller: MT - Hard Times/TNE, Gurps Traveller
Military Service: nyet
Favourite Supplement: Survival Margin
Favourite Sector(s): Spinward Marches
Favourite Race: Vargr!
Favourite Empire: 3I (Rebellion)
Favourite Personal Weapon: Gauss pistol
Favourite Career: Scout
Versions played: CT/MT/TNE/GT (look forward to T20)
________________________________________________Originally posted by Father Fletch:
Name: Christian
Age: 33
Country: US of A
Favorite version of Traveller: MT/G:T/Looking like T20 soon
Military Service: 4 years CAP, 2 years Army ROTC (Lost scholarship due to motorcycle accident) and 5 years USAR
Favorite Supplement: Book 4 Mercenaries
Favorite Sector: Spinward Marches (I know it the best!)
Favorite Empire: Third!
Role: Referee/GM/Tha’ one in charge!
Favorite World: Jessidepere
Style of play: Scouts in trouble/Merchants in over their heads
Favorite character to play: Ex-Scout
Favorite Major Race: Human or Vargr
Favorite Minor Race: Darrians or Dolphins
Favorite Traveller Weapon: Snub SMG