SOC-14 1K
Lots of ship designs put the bridge or control cabin in the nose or at the front of the ship, with either implied or explicit windows or viewports. Presumably these are made of some sort of armored glass or substitute that are not easily broken.
Pros: If your sensors are all out of order, you can still see where you are going. Also, a window lets you use the Mark I Eyeball as a backup to what your sensors tell you.
Cons: Most things that you need to see are going to be at such extreme range that the Mark I Eyeball is useless, so a viewscreen displaying sensor data would be more useful. Also, even if the glass or whatever is very strong, it is probably less strong than hull metal, and is therefore a weak point.
For military ships, not only would a window be a weak point in the armoring, but it probably makes more sense to put your bridge in some internal space of the ship, not right out there in the front where it is easier to hit.
Pros: If your sensors are all out of order, you can still see where you are going. Also, a window lets you use the Mark I Eyeball as a backup to what your sensors tell you.
Cons: Most things that you need to see are going to be at such extreme range that the Mark I Eyeball is useless, so a viewscreen displaying sensor data would be more useful. Also, even if the glass or whatever is very strong, it is probably less strong than hull metal, and is therefore a weak point.
For military ships, not only would a window be a weak point in the armoring, but it probably makes more sense to put your bridge in some internal space of the ship, not right out there in the front where it is easier to hit.