Yes - I'll put a scale on. I'm currently working on World Hex maps being generated when the user clicks on any hex in the world map.
Ojno, this is fantastic.
I was thinking that the blue should be paler -- mainly because I'm thinking of the deep contrast it presents when printed or in a PDF document. Also I'm biased towards the color maps in the LBB adventures, and they do have a rather pale blue.
Any thoughts on that?
Love it. Ice caps a little hard to see in the lower hexes.
TL worlds now show TZ as side bands rather than top band - a change in T5 I guess.
Can you make a version that can be consistent with LBB6? (ducks)
Along the line if you could somehow use the orbit diagrams from T5 - corrected - (J,H&K?) to display the worlds in relative positions and the stars, in simple 2d form that would be knee-tremblng.
Onjo, I was attempting to generate a random map for Farreach/Spinward Marches and the script locked up every time I left the RNG blank. When I set it to 1 it worked fine but any other value and it locks.
Also, on the wish list could you add a button to generate a new random number rather than having to select and delete the previous random number manually?
I look forward to your continuing work on the project, it's fantastic.
This is a small fast pseudorandom number generator, suitable for large statistical calculations, but not of cryptographic quality. Although there is no guaranteed minimum cycle length, the average cycle length is expected to be about 2^126 results.
The fastest small unbiased noncryptographic PRNG that I could find (in C)
typedef unsigned long int u4;
typedef struct ranctx { u4 a; u4 b; u4 c; u4 d; } ranctx;
#define rot(x,k) (((x)<<(k))|((x)>>(32-(k))))
u4 ranval( ranctx *x ) {
u4 e = x->a - rot(x->b, 27);
x->a = x->b ^ rot(x->c, 17);
x->b = x->c + x->d;
x->c = x->d + e;
x->d = e + x->a;
return x->d;
void raninit( ranctx *x, u4 seed ) {
u4 i;
x->a = 0xf1ea5eed, x->b = x->c = x->d = seed;
for (i=0; i<20; ++i) {
I have not found any test in any configuration that it does not pass. It passes DIEHARD. Sampling just the bottom byte, it passes the run test (both up and down), and the gap test (for gaps up to length 32) for 2 trillion values (chi.c). The frequency test (again on the bottom byte) looked suspicious at 1 trillion values (chi-square=5), so I ran it for 4 trillion values (chi-square=0.42), showing the earlier result was a fluke (freq.c). A test that counts bits per value for five consecutive values (countx.c) passes for at least 16 trillion values, both for normal and for graycoded values. It passes Geronimo Jones' nda test for at least 1 trillion values (4 trillion bytes).