COMPLETELY ignored my point re: FutureCorn I see.
Get used to it.
If I were running a subsector campaign and decided so and so planet is a grain exporter as part of the story, then I would MAKE it happen.
Exactly and you'd be able to so with historical examples in hand.
Returning to road/rail-free Biter
(*), rivers, lakes, and seas will meet that world's export transportation needs as the colonial-era US easily shows.
In 1763 with animal-drawn wagons using dirt roads, the inhabitants of Virginia and Maryland raised, harvested, aged, and exported
96 thousand hogsheads
(A) of tobacco. They accomplished this thanks to the river, coastal, and oceanic shipping.
The same colonies in the same year exported
40 thousand quarters
(B) of wheat.
New York, in the same year, exported
250 thousand barrels of flour and
70 thousand quarters of unprocessed wheat thanks to the Hudson River.
Biter will able to grow, transport on world, and export agricultural products thanks to it's 40% hydrographic rating and that rating alone. There's no need to design cheap grav lorries when simple barges, tugs, and bulk carriers can already do the job. There's no need to design cheap, long distance, all-terrain cargo trucks for the same reason. And there's no need to presume far future super crops to inflate demand/prices when everyday crops were able get to job done economically over two centuries ago.
While adding grav lorries, long distance ATV trucks, and super crops would create nice
We're Not In Kansas feeling for Biter, if their presence means the numbers won't work then you need to ditch them.
A farming co-op hiring ATV trucking service to move their crop to a grain elevator at a river landing? Certainly.
Far Future cowboys flying ultralights and riding dirt bikes to herd and defend "cattle" along a drive to the rail head while Stumpy follows in the bio-diesel chuck wagon? Sure.
A bio-diesel tug maneuvering a dozen barges downstream to the port where their contents will be "pumped" aboard a bulk carrier driven by Flettner rotors and shipped across a land-locked sea to the world's starport? Of course.
Deciding Biter can't be an ag exporting world because it can't afford to build the Trans-Siberian railroad and Eisenhower Interstate system? Sorry, you just failed as a
Traveller referee.
Think, imagine, and play. The rules and the examples of history are there to help you and not handicap you.
* - Actually long distance or continent-spanning road/rail free and not entirely local road/rail free.
A - Seeing as the thread has devolved into a genitalia sizing contest featuring units of measurement, I'll forestall any bloviating by the Usual Suspects and explain that a hogshead varied anywhere between 60 and 140 gallons.
B - A quarter is a unit of dry volume equivalent to eight bushels.