In case someone hasn't seen these yet - so you know what is currently available,
"Scout's Honour" here:
Then there was the MT adventure from Issue 18 of The Travellers Digest called "Dangerous Passage." It is a paragraph adventure like "Scout's Honour.""
Of course there is also Dave Cooper's "Travelling Alone" in outline format.
Each of these have their strengths and weaknesses. And since this really hasn't been spelled out, here is a rundown (I hope fairly accurate - if not I welcome correction) in the differences and expectations in a nutshell.
The Outline/Flowchart system (like Cooper's "Travelling Alone") is great if you have a penchant for lots of creative story-telling and you like to write up your adventures - this is very similar to how many people do their character creation process and is really in a way just an extension from that. You, yourself, as the player must keep your interest up.
The Paragraph model (Scout's Honor/Dangerous Passage, T&T, et al) that has been so popular over time is geared away from those types of players (for the most part). These games are simple straight forward, read- roll- react, and be entertained by how the given story plays out based on your decisions and success/failure of your actions via dice rolls. Here they story that underlies the adventure must be good enough to keep you, the player's, attention.
The Outline system allows you to add as much or as little detail you want into your game.
The Paragraph system, the detail is fixed - only to change the next time you play (as long as you don't follow the same paragraphs each time).
As someone was talking about earlier about should solo adventures be made to emulate group play - In general, trying to do this and make it work is difficult. However the paragraph games above (IIRC, I know Dangerous Passage does, I haven't played Scout's Honor yet) are set up where the person playing can play multiple character. granted that is not "group" style since you are by yourself playing multiple character but it does allow for a group or team to all go on the adventure, not just one character vs. the world. Solo's can be one character vs. the world but doesn't necessarily have to be set up that way. I know many assume when you say solo game this is what is meant.
Sometimes a single character game is fun but I do like it where I can take a few characters along.
But I think the key thing here and that I am in agreement with, is that a game designed to run "solo" (single player) should not try to emulate group play. Play to the strengths of the Solo format and I think you will have a better game for it.
There is also a lot of discussion about doing something along the lines of a computer game (various types). I guess, for me, this is where something would jsut have to blow me away with how good it is to make me even take a look at it. I am not a Luddite as I take full advantage of the computer for most aspects of my Traveller games. But aside from simulations (flight sims, cardboard chit board wargames converted to computer for distance play, etc.) Computer games just don't do anything for me - especially those like NWN, Halo, EQ, FPS's, etc. The only computer games I have to this day on my system that I play semi-regularly are MegaMek (Map based Battletech for computer play) and Mechcommander II (Like Megamek but made to feel more "real"). I have played the java Traveller games and found them fun but again they are really simulations not typical computer games.
I think this may put me in a minority around here but being in a minority when it comes to liking computer games is a place where I usually find myself regardless of where I am.
I will say though that a java or hypertext (or whatever it was) online paragraph style adventure did catch my interest. Of course I did play a bit of Starflight and Megatraveller on computer and I still think it would be cool if something like those could be remade with todays programming abilities. But as I said most computer based games would have to be really really good to catch my interest.