hot dog vendor
bring them on ! it is getting hard for my group to get together and play .
Why not just make an computer RPG with multiplayer and Referee capabilities? The technology is out there and it would bring Traveller players together online.
Why not just make an computer RPG with multiplayer and Referee capabilities? The technology is out there and it would bring Traveller players together online.
I'm playing trav with people from around the world right now on gametable.
Indeed you are Hagen, how's the trigger finger: "my gauss rifle can shred battledress" not on a natural 2 it can't!
Little known secret, I bought Traveller because I thought there would be a solo-version of the game within the rules somewhere. "Star Smuggler" by Dwarfstar had the "learn to play as you go" format with rules "hypertexted" after a reference. Much to my puzzlement Traveller did not have this format, and so I was left to devise my own solo-adventure.
D&D I recall has a couple of solo modules (I think they're called X-SOLO modules or something). I think Steve Jackson Games published some adventure books that were similar to the "choose your own adventure series" written for pre-teens. I think Task Force also published some solo-modules for Car Wars as well.
So, in short, yes I would have, though probably not now. When you can't find people to play with, it's always kind of fun to fire up your own adventure.
I take it then that you would not be adverse to having some adventures for the solitary player then. Don Featherstone did write a book on Solo Wargaming that I will have to get out for some ideas.
Has anyone played the "Marooned Alone" short adventure in the Double Adventure "Marooned/Marooned Alone"?
I would only buy as a learning tool for a version I was unfamiliar with, playing by yourself is to much like...(self edited for adult content).