Social Darwinism at work.
Individuals born with a thirst for power and the natural ability to acquire it (psionics) are lifted above the masses and given power. Those who naturally strive for power within an organized framework (middle management personality type) are happy and prosper. Those who naturally strive for power at the expense of others (dictator personality type) are identified as a dangerous sociopath and ‘repaired’.
For the masses born without a thirst for power or the natural ability to acquire it (psionics), survival is best achieved through the same personality type that has marked peasants throughout history – the slave mentality. Work hard, avoid trouble, expect little and be happy in your position. On Earth, those who did not embrace their position could hide a spirit of quiet rebellion, but the Zho can detect your thoughts and correct ‘defects’. Natural selection would quickly breed people temperamentally suited to their station.
Zho society would probably function like a Japanese Shogun, a medieval Manor or a Southern Colonial Plantation. If you sat down to discuss the quality of life with ‘the Colonel’ on the veranda, he would explain the importance of ‘Duty’ and ‘Honor’ for a gentleman and extol the peaceful harmony of such a naturally ordered society. He would be correct - it IS good to be the king.
[PS. a brief footnote to the Psi-shield states that many Imperial installations have psionic shielding built into the building to prevent spying.]
Individuals born with a thirst for power and the natural ability to acquire it (psionics) are lifted above the masses and given power. Those who naturally strive for power within an organized framework (middle management personality type) are happy and prosper. Those who naturally strive for power at the expense of others (dictator personality type) are identified as a dangerous sociopath and ‘repaired’.
For the masses born without a thirst for power or the natural ability to acquire it (psionics), survival is best achieved through the same personality type that has marked peasants throughout history – the slave mentality. Work hard, avoid trouble, expect little and be happy in your position. On Earth, those who did not embrace their position could hide a spirit of quiet rebellion, but the Zho can detect your thoughts and correct ‘defects’. Natural selection would quickly breed people temperamentally suited to their station.
Zho society would probably function like a Japanese Shogun, a medieval Manor or a Southern Colonial Plantation. If you sat down to discuss the quality of life with ‘the Colonel’ on the veranda, he would explain the importance of ‘Duty’ and ‘Honor’ for a gentleman and extol the peaceful harmony of such a naturally ordered society. He would be correct - it IS good to be the king.
[PS. a brief footnote to the Psi-shield states that many Imperial installations have psionic shielding built into the building to prevent spying.]