A small observation about this: Unlike the unrealistic expectations of societies that don't "properly" understand the human mind, I would think that the Zhodani of all people would recognize that trying to make people happy is essentially futile due to the way that the human brain works. People get used to "happy" and it doesn't make them "happy" anymore, then they want more, quickly outstripping any realistic expectations. Aiming for contentment is probably the most they try for.- Public Contentment (not personal happiness)
no it wouldn't - by definition. they are the ones who decide what "service" is. they are the ones who decide who the "society as a whole" is. there is no disagreement with them - not because it merely isn't allowed, but because it is overturned. they speak, and everyone not merely obeys without question, but believes. by definition, they are the only ones who matter. by definition, they are the only ones who count. by definition, they are the only humans. everyone else is a farmyard animal, a purpose-bred pet, a programmable machine - and no-one serves a programmable machine. they'll serve themselves.Originally posted by flykiller:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />guided by the nobility who, when all is said and done, serve the proles through their strong sense of service to the society as a whole.
Sometimes this derails.
not quite. they're not set up that way, they're derived that way, using human nature and history as a guide.Your Zhodani are set up, IMHO, as a truly abhorent state
if the vilani can do it using caste and tradition, surely the zhos can do it using absolute and unanswerable mind control.I can't see such a structure leading to five thousand years of stability if all of the nobility are really on that kind of powertrip
The Zhodani Consulate is most definitely not a Dictatorship (unlike the Imperium, which arguably is one.) Simple reason: No dictator. The Zhodani system of government is far more pluralistic than the Imperial one. (This is actually true for all other interstellar states except the 2000 Worlds, which is the only one even more autocratic than the Imperium.)Originally posted by Rhialto the Marvelous:
I think part of the reason for the "dictatorship yes/no, contentment yes/no" disagreement is this: GDW gave the Zhodani psionics... but only to a fraction of them, namely the ruling classes.
Because the ZC isn't a democracy either. It is quite obvious that the ruling class, due to its own traditions and deeply imprinted self-impression, sees itself as fit to rule the masses (at least on an interstellar level - as AM4 makes clear, local governments can include Proles.)Because, again, the vast majority of people are NOT psionicists... the minds of many are being read by the minds of a few--but not vice versa. Why be content with one-sided transparency?
Perhaps they don't feel strongly enough about their rulers to rebel. It can be argued that a people are always oppressed at some level, but if they feel they cannot change things they will not rebel. That doesn't mean they have to like their rulers. Perhaps the Tavrchedl explain such feelings are natural and not unhealthy or terrible...Originally posted by Rhialto the Marvelous:
Given the uneventful internal history of the Consulate, the proles can't be called oppressed, for they would surely have rebelled at some point. Ergo, by and large they don't hate their rulers.
Why not? Because any government you can't participate in is not worthy of your trust? That history is a long struggle between the common people and tyrants would horde power for themselves?Originally posted by Rhialto the Marvelous:
On the other hand, given the fact the proles aren't psionicists, there's no reason for them to be content for psionics-related reasons: why share an ethos based on a mental ability that you yourself do not possess?
Just telepathy? The ability to look into the depths of another person's mind is merely an instrument to implement a worldview as opposed to being the keystone of one? That's simply not plausible.Originally posted by Tobias:
Psionics (actually, just telepathy) is merely an exceptionally important tool to put those principles into practice. It provides an extremely advanced understanding of human psychology and a method to actually check the results.
the people who originally made those statements had seen, lived in, and/or dealt with other kinds of governments, and spoke from experience and personal evaluation. their opinions were their own. a typical zhodani prole will have no such knowledge or experience, and any opinion he expresses regarding them (or anything else) likely is not his own."A Psionic Republic is the worst possible form of government - except for any other form."
"A Psionic Republic is not superior to other forms of governance, but it is more just."
and it's all trumped by psionics and thought police who override any law or process or result or thought with which they disagree.Actually, Zhodani have many diverse forms of government on the local level
naive? it's not that they're naive, it's that they can be controlled. controlled absolutely, without recourse, without answer, without exception, without limit, by those who answer to nothing but themselves.a Prole is not necessarily the naive drone some people assume him/her to be.
Telepathy is the ability to contact other minds directly. In rudimentary forms, it allows the communication of feelings and emotions; in advanced forms it allows the transfer of information. There are several levels of telepathy, which depend on the psionic strength and experience
of the user.
Life Detection: The most elementary form of telepathy is the ability to detect the presence of other minds.
Telempathy: The communication of emotions and basic feelings is accomplished by telempathy.
Read Surface Thoughts: The most commonly known feature of telepathy is the ability to read the thoughts of other individuals. Only active, current thoughts are read by this ability, with the subject (if himself not a telepath) unaware of the activity. Individuals with telepathic ability cannot be read due to the presence of their natural shields.
Send Thoughts: Complementary to the ability to read surface thoughts is the ability to send thoughts to others. Such individuals need not themselves be telepathic to receive such thoughts. Telepathic individuals are normally open to such transmissions, but may close their shields against transmissions if they become bothersome or threatening.
Probe: The application of great psionic strength will enable a telepath to delve deep into the mind of a subject and to then read his innermost thoughts. Questioning can be used in the procedure to force the subject to divulge specific information. The prober can easily determine deliberate untruths told (thought) by the subject. Probe cannot be used against a shielded mind.
Assault: Violence may be dealt by a telepath. Against an unshielded mind, the result is automatic unconsciousness, and possible death. Against a shielded mind, an instant duel ensues.
Shield: All telepathically able characters learn how to create a mental shield which protects the mind against unwanted telepathic interference. Such a shield is automatically in force at all times and requires no strength point expenditure to maintain.
None. As I wrote, telepathy provides a tool for psychology. You have unmatched diagnosis abilities and an extremely advanced understanding of the human psyche as well as a method to check exactly which methods are working. You don't have methods to mold human minds however you like to.Originally posted by atpollard:
Before we elevate the powers of the 'boogie-man' thought police too far, which telepathic ability gives them this complete mind control over others?
None. As I wrote, telepathy provides a tool for psychology. You have unmatched diagnosis abilities and an extremely advanced understanding of the human psyche as well as a method to check exactly which methods are working. You don't have methods to mold human minds however you like to.Originally posted by Tobias:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by atpollard:
Before we elevate the powers of the 'boogie-man' thought police too far, which telepathic ability gives them this complete mind control over others?
Not many. Probably no more than our modern western metropolitan police forces.1) How many telepaths does it take to police the society for ensuring that the psych folks keep everyone happy?
Other telepaths, appointed by the Consulate. Same as the civilian oversight of our police and military forces. Nobody wants a rouge telepath messing with the proles!2) Who polices the telepaths?