For my current campaign, the players visited a world called Sharrip - an iceball style planet. It is populated by a largish herbivore about half the size of a ranch house. The beastie is called a snow-cow because of the way it feeds. It's lower jaw resembles something like a steamshovel in that it scoops up snow for which the world's primative plantlike lichen and moss grows. The creature's size helps it protect against heat loss, and its constant shovelling of snow and lichen into its system makes it such that it has to urinate constantly. Everything from its growth to its aging to its reproductive rates are glacially slow. It probably doesn't help that the thing has 4 brains to move its body about, and that it takes the destruction of 3 of its 4 brains to paralyze it - let alone allow you to kill it. Admidst all of this - is this little itty bitty ferret like creature with grey fur (Snowcows have whitish fur). With four canine teeth that protrude from its upper jaw, this beastie slinks, bounds, leaps in a manner not unlike a ferret. The body's skeleton is such that like a cat's, its bones are not a rigid structure, but relatively loose knit which allows it to squeeze into small holes and tunnels as it hunts its prey. Oddly enough, this creature also seems to act like an enhancer or psionic multiplier such that when it is in contact with another of its kind, latent abilities become magnified - a sort of mating ritual where the female in heat induces a mental mating frenzy rather than one that is cued from scent. Its life span is a short 8 to 10 years, and its native habitat is not Sharrip. It turns out that someone tried to smuggle some zoo specimans of creatures that come from the Zhodani homeworld. The smuggled specimans wound up in a warehouse in Sharrip, and the owner died before he could get them back again. As fate would have it, the time span prepaid for the warehousing fees is about to expire (not that it matters any more - the crate was an animal version of a sleep tube and it broke down. Unfortunately, there was this 300 lb carnivor who also has a rudimentary psionic ability to induce massive "freeze" style fear in its intended victims. It appears the ancients tried inducing psionic abilities in animals first before tying to induce it in humans. Lacking a clear cut reason for destroying the animal experiments, the Precursors let the animals free to fend for themselves as a means of a secondary experiment.
The players found out the hard way when they discovered that the preditor had consumed the warehouse owner. They had had dealings with the now dead warehouse owner because he had another "package" that the other guy had left behind in addition to the smuggled Zhodani animals - and that is a girl. They've not yet put two and two together yet to realize that if the animals are Zhodani in origin, and the girl was part of the same "shipment" as the animals, that the girl likely has some link to the Zhodani - somehow.
(turns out the girl is a latent psi should she ever get the training, she'll be a full blown psi)