Another in my Book 2 fleet, taking some inspiration from the huge Keith class troop transports from GURPS TRAVELLER: GROUND FORCES.
copyright: dissident_zombie
Troop Transport (type TT): Using a custom 3000-ton hull, the fleet carrier is a troop transport and assault carrier able to ferry and then deploy one third of a marine battalion from one star system to another. It has jump drive-Z, manoeuvre drive-Z and powerplant-Z, giving the ship performance of jump-4 and 4-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 1267 tons supports the powerplant for four week, allows one jump-4 (or a number of short range jumps) and provides reserve fuel for four weeks for all of its small craft. Adjacent to the bridge is Model/6 computer. There are sixty-three staterooms and two hundred and twenty low berths for the transport of the marine personnel. There are twenty triple turrets installed, with fire control; ten mount beam lasers, ten mount defensive sandcasters. Two armed ship’s boats are provided for general transport work. Eight 95-ton shuttles are preloaded with marine vehicles and weaponry and together can drop one third of the battalion onto a world simultaneously. A seventy-one ton reserve loading bay is adjacent to the hanger bays, and allows one shuttle to offload its marine equipment for maintenace or other duties. A briefing room and eleven-ton military assembly area are included in the design. Cargo capacity is 100 tons. The hull is streamlined to allow for gas giant refuelling operations.
The troop transport has a crew of 116, including shuttle pilots and crew for the ship’s boats, technicians to service the shuttles and a full complement of sensor operatives and planners required to allow the ship to fulfil its complicated logistical mission. Twelve of the staterooms are reserved for mission-related passengers or for marine officers who do not follow their troops into the cryo-berths. The ship costs MCr 1340.81 and takes 34 months to build.
Most troop transports carriers of the type illustrated are of the Deneb class. The first ship of the class was named the Deneb, and those which followed carry the names of bright white or blue stars.

copyright: dissident_zombie
Troop Transport (type TT): Using a custom 3000-ton hull, the fleet carrier is a troop transport and assault carrier able to ferry and then deploy one third of a marine battalion from one star system to another. It has jump drive-Z, manoeuvre drive-Z and powerplant-Z, giving the ship performance of jump-4 and 4-G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 1267 tons supports the powerplant for four week, allows one jump-4 (or a number of short range jumps) and provides reserve fuel for four weeks for all of its small craft. Adjacent to the bridge is Model/6 computer. There are sixty-three staterooms and two hundred and twenty low berths for the transport of the marine personnel. There are twenty triple turrets installed, with fire control; ten mount beam lasers, ten mount defensive sandcasters. Two armed ship’s boats are provided for general transport work. Eight 95-ton shuttles are preloaded with marine vehicles and weaponry and together can drop one third of the battalion onto a world simultaneously. A seventy-one ton reserve loading bay is adjacent to the hanger bays, and allows one shuttle to offload its marine equipment for maintenace or other duties. A briefing room and eleven-ton military assembly area are included in the design. Cargo capacity is 100 tons. The hull is streamlined to allow for gas giant refuelling operations.
The troop transport has a crew of 116, including shuttle pilots and crew for the ship’s boats, technicians to service the shuttles and a full complement of sensor operatives and planners required to allow the ship to fulfil its complicated logistical mission. Twelve of the staterooms are reserved for mission-related passengers or for marine officers who do not follow their troops into the cryo-berths. The ship costs MCr 1340.81 and takes 34 months to build.
Most troop transports carriers of the type illustrated are of the Deneb class. The first ship of the class was named the Deneb, and those which followed carry the names of bright white or blue stars.

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