I thought I was keeping my real-world and in-universe opinions separate.Please do.
The problem is, Traveller Law Levels were written on a somewhat more rational level, based on actual capabilities, not scary looks.This is the crux: on some planets, "assault weapons" will be banned and will scare everyone ('cause they look scary and all) and cause panic and great difficulty in pursuing peaceful interpersonal or commercial relations; on others, they might very well go unremarked. A FGMP will get you attention almost anywhere. Wandering about a peaceful society dressed like a tank will get some attention - how much depends on your interpretation of local law levels and the situation: guarding a starship, maybe not a big deal; making a quick trip to the local equivalent of Long John Silver's, oh yeah. (And, people scared of weapons will probably be scared of armor - especially powered armor.) But definitely do make them deal with it if you think it's inappropriate in that situation.
I do think the Imperium itself is fairly libertarian - it's not worth the Emporer's time to make and enforce such laws, only major interstellar issues. Unlike a planet-bound nation, even squad and platoon weapons are no threat to the Imperium. But the local law levels should have a wider variety to account for local prejudices - also permits and such. Is the planet "Handguns only", but anyone 5 and up can open-carry? Is anything man-portable legal, but only with a MCr 2 permit?
Additionally, local weapons/armor attitudes should be covered. As mentioned previously, open carry is legal insome states, and yet, even before all the recent paranoia and over-reaction, most citizens looked askance at it, and police tried hard to find an excuse to do something about it.
:rofl:Starport guard: "Sir, ummm.... Do you understand that when you pass this gate some locals out there might consider this an armed invasion?"
Armored PC: "What do you mean? I always wear this - everywhere."
Starport guard, looking at him dubiously: "OK. Just so you know that if they arrest you we won't be allowed to stop them."
Armored PC, beginning to huff and puff: "Well, they wouldn't dare..."
Starport guard: "And, if you go blowing things up and stuff? Well, we're going to have to shoot you when you come back here. Nothing personal, it's just we have treaties and such to consider."
A bit nicer than I'd have said it.