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The Crew & Residents of the Noble Vagabond

Sir Brad

The Noble Vagabond is a 50 year old TL12 Vagabond class A2 Far Trader newly made surplus by Spinward Logistics, the ship is in good working order. the common and passenger areas are appointed in a minimalist style that went out of popularity over 20 years ago and has yet to return to fashion as "Retro", the crew areas are still in the Gurnback style the ship was originally decorated in and the captains cabin has bean striped of any distinctive decor.

Captain: Lincoln Ross
Age: 34
Service: Merchant 4 Terms
Rank Captian

Skills: Pilot-2, Navagator-2, 0g Weapons-1, Small Blade-1, Computer-1, Medical-1, Robotics-1, Vacc-Suit-1, Admin-1, Bribery-1, Streetwise-1, Stward-1, 0g Combat-0

CR (was) 40,000
Noble Vagabond Type A2 Far Trader
Mr Jock, Exec class robot W/ Engineering & Technical programing package (20 year Mortgage)

Training & Experience: 50 credit hours Instruction, 30 Credit Hours Pilot, 70 Credit Hours Unarmed Combat

1XP Credit Liaison 1XP Credit Undecided.

Engineer: "Mr Jock"
Exec class Robot

Lady Breearn Corlen, Viscountess Altupton, Heirs Stafford
UPP: 57688D
Age: 22
Service: Imperial Navy 1 Term
Rank: Ensign

Skills: Foil-0, Admin-0 Computer-0 Air/raft-0, Vacc-Suit-0

CR (was) 50,000
Trevllers Aid Society Membership

Training & Experince: 48 credit hours Unarmed Combat

1XP Credit Carousing, 1XP Credit Unknown.
What versión of Traveller do you use, if I can ask?
What versión of Traveller do you use, if I can ask?

Can I ask what difference it makes? These look like pretty generic Traveller characters to me.

They're obviously no GURPs characters, but beyond that they seem to be completely system agnostic, except perhaps they use a skill name from one version that's not in another, but even then that should be trivially ported if necessary.

They're just characters.
With skill level 0, either Mongoose or T5. And not enough skills for T5 at a guess. But as pointed out, fairly system agnostic characters that could play most versions.

And I do like the flavor added to the ship: a bit of implied world building that brings things to life a bit more. I may have to have some ships in the 15-25 year old range in the Gurnback style.
left out an "s" its meant to be Gernsback, as in Hugo Gernsback the guy the Hugo awards are named after. the style refers to the early to mid 20th century 'American Streamlined Moderne'/ "Raygun Gothic" stuff starting in the 30's. the style that Fallout is derivative of
the Exterior has clean minimalist lines like a Jayhawlk only the side cargo docking rings have retractable covers, the ships interior was originally outfitted all in Gernsback as one of the factory decor options, but the passnger options where refited to a minimlist style 20 years ago just as it was going out of fashion since it was going cheep.

All seven passenger staterooms are on the top deck and the air/raft is in a compartment adjoining the port side of the forward cargo ramp.
Guests Con

Mei Koh
UPP: 7B8877
Age: 26
Service Army 2 terms
Rank: Sergent

Skills: Cbt Rifleman-2, Brawling-2, Short Blade-1, Polearm-1, Tactics-1, Leadership-1, Computer-0, Wheeled Vechicle-0

Cr: 10,000

Training & Experience: 50 Credit Hours Instruction

1 XP Credit Carousing 1XP Credit Unknown

Joh Crosby
UPP: 7B8988
Age: 26
Service: Navy 2 terms
:Rank Ensign

Skills: Ships Boat-2, Laser Weapons-1, Cbt Rifleman-1, Forward Observer-1, Vacc-Suit-1, Grav Vechicle-1, Computer-0

Advances: Pilot-1 (upgraded from Default)

CR: 15,000

Training & Experience: 60 Credit Hours Pilot, 70 Credit Hours Unarmed Combat

1 XP Credit Carousing 1XP Credit Unknown
Can I ask what difference it makes? These look like pretty generic Traveller characters to me.

They're obviously no GURPs characters, but beyond that they seem to be completely system agnostic, except perhaps they use a skill name from one version that's not in another, but even then that should be trivially ported if necessary.

They're just characters.

For the robot, it might make differences...

For some versions (I'd say most of them), Lady Breearn Corlen is quite underskilled, even for a 1 term carácter (having no skill over 0, I guess she rolled most in personal developement table). while for others Captain Ross is quite overskilled (14 skill levels in 4 terms).

Also, the credits for skills (be in hours or XPs) are not in any version I've played (so probably ar from T5).
For the robot, it might make differences...

For some versions (I'd say most of them), Lady Breearn Corlen is quite underskilled, even for a 1 term carácter (having no skill over 0, I guess she rolled most in personal developement table). while for others Captain Ross is quite overskilled (14 skill levels in 4 terms).

Well, who says they were rolled at all?

Just NPCs ala Referee edict.
We are using Book 1 & Sup 4, the GM was worried about all the short terms coming up with the first batch of characters and the lack of promotions and commissions so he allowed "Enlisted Promotion" and special duty lifted from MT to fatten the skill count, few characters benefited, Breearn got nothing apart from a T1 Comistion, didn't even pass reenlistment, the player was not impressed with their stats so took Personal development in first term to goose their scores the player was caught forcing rolls, and the GM took over the Reenlistment roll that failed.

captain Ross was like the 2nd last character made I think he only missed out on one or two Special Duty rolls, after he scored a clear title on his ship the GM up'ed it to a A2 because he wanted J2 for the campaign, after Ensign Crosby (the last character made) didn't get any tech skills Ross's player was offered the free Robotics skill and Mr Jock if he would take on 200K debt just so we could have an Engineer.

I think the GM is using a modified version of the MT Experience & Training rules, but can't be sure.
Guests Con 2

Ayrn "Enigma" Cline
Age: 26
Service: Other 2 Terms

Skills Computer-2, Brawling-1, Eletronics-1, Gambling-1, Streetwise-1, Cudgel-0, Handgun-0, Small Blade-0, Grav Vechicle-0

Cr 1.000

Body Pistol

Calvin Harper
UPP: 8B8777
Hunter 3 Terms

Skills: Rifleman-3, Bow Combat-1, Hunting-3, Survival-2, Computer-0, Wheeled Vechicle-0

Cr 10,000

Big Game Rifle