Assumption: this thread assumes that the Narrative Canon for Traveller is often more correct than the rules.
Carlo's Axiom sums it up nicely: The rules as written don't support the ships as written.
MY GOAL: A list of generalizations, restrictions, and expectations for Big Ship combat.
Given: there is a vast corpus of semi-compatible Traveller material.
Given: some books have a greater influence than other material.
Given: some people have a greater influence than others.
What can we say generally about Big Navy Ships in Traveller?
Living List, stolen from the posters in this thread.
Carlo's Axiom sums it up nicely: The rules as written don't support the ships as written.
MY GOAL: A list of generalizations, restrictions, and expectations for Big Ship combat.
Given: there is a vast corpus of semi-compatible Traveller material.
Given: some books have a greater influence than other material.
Given: some people have a greater influence than others.
What can we say generally about Big Navy Ships in Traveller?
Living List, stolen from the posters in this thread.
- Combat benefits which may, for example, mitigate technological disadvantage.
- Siege rules, or perhaps just notes on how long it takes once siege is established.
- Might not be interesting from a game perspective, other than strategic time and resource requirement.
- Resource Units are a brutal taskmaster in fleet design.
- You can't install everything in every ship, nor can you afford to.
- Supporting a navy demands the permanent allocation of finite resources.
- Losses ("Out Of Action") take a LONG TIME to get rebuilt and replenished.
- TL is critical. A +3 TL, or perhaps +2 TL, difference is decisive.
- TL changes which weapons are effective -- what works in one TL might be invalidated in the next TL.
- TL dictates a maximum standard-efficiency hull size.
- I don't see sense or reason in allowing more than one spine per ship. Maybe it's just me.
- Warships by number. Corvettes, Destroyers, and Escorts make up 80% of the fleet, Cruisers make up 15%, and Capitals 5%.
- Missiles are viable secondaries, and dominate at lower TLs.
- Missile platforms could be created from relatively weak ships, couldn't they?
- Fighters are not useful against heavy armor and defenses.
- They might have a screening function.
- The Tigress class seems to be the largest feasible warship at TL15, and is "the Big Bad to Beat".
- That could legitimately be a bone of contention. It might not be common enough to be fairly proven.
- There appears to be a breakpoint in capability somewhere around TL-12.
- Carriers seem to get short shrift on EVERY version of Traveller.
- Perhaps this is because smaller craft typically mean less capable craft.
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