Just whenever you think you might have your problems licked, I give you one reference to think of:
Megatraveller Shattered Ships of the Fighting Imperium (aka Fighting Ships of the Shattered Imperium). I'm sure they used a somewhat dodgy spreadsheet, and the result was.... pretty much what you might expect.
So, as much as we all want to see the work done and available, just let me put in a vote or two for 'check, recheck, then re-recheck, then give it to someone else to check'. And don't trust the computer. It claims it is your friend, but you should still keep your laser handy!
Having to erratize (ew, I think I coined a horrid new word) a product is nigh inevitable, but the less of it the better. And having your example designs end up mucked up by a computer (they do what you tell them, not what you want them to do) can make that easier to accomplish. So perhaps (in case you haven't) try verifying your designs with pencil, paper and a mundane calculator.
Anyway, look forward to the result in any case. BTW, nice to see an Alberta boy done good!