SOC-14 1K
Check out bluekierans spreadsheet for MgT2:Time, I think, to start from scratch at 300 tons again...
Check out bluekierans spreadsheet for MgT2:Time, I think, to start from scratch at 300 tons again...
Check out bluekierans spreadsheet for MgT2:
MgT2 has no lettered drives, only percentage drives. A 350 dT ship works just as well as a 400 dT ship.
Hmm, going by the above OP, he lists drives with a C so by inference, I was under the impression MgT1 had them.
You get well payed for longer jumps, so that is not a problem.
- To move cargo and passengers a minimum of two parsecs per jump.
- To move the cargo/passengers swiftly and efficiently.
- To protect said cargo/pax from rude interlopers, such as pirates, while getting the hell outta dodge on the hurry-up.
- To be financially viable with no passengers
- To be financially satisfying with passengers
- To be affordable to mortgage
- To be cheap to maintain and operate
This will be an MgT HG 2nd Edition design.
MgT1 has lettered drives for small ships, MgT2 only has percentage drives.Hmm, going by the above OP, he lists drives with a C so by inference, I was under the impression MgT1 had them.
You get well payed for longer jumps, so that is not a problem.
Being able to fight and still turning a profit on freight is a problem...
TL 11 Hull 108 64,0
Desired ∆TL Rat # dTon Cost Power
Hull 300 300 60
Config Streamlined 2 2 13,50
Hull strength Light 1 1
Armour Crystaliron 1 1 3,75 0,68
JumpD Budget 2 -0 2 1 20,00 22,50 78
ManœuvreD Budget 2 -0 2 1 6,00 9,00 78
PowerP (TL8) High Technology 3 1 10,50 7,88 150
Fuel, Jump 2 2 1 60,00
Fuel, Power 4 4 w 1 2,00
Fuel Purification 36 h 36 h 1 2,00 0,10 2
Bridge, Small 1 1 10,00 0,75
Comp m/10 2 10 1 0,16
Backup Comp m/5/bis 1 1 5 1 0,05
Sensors Civilian 1 1 1 1,00 3,00 1
Staterooms 100% 5 5 20,00 2,50
Escape Capsules 1 10 5,00 0,20
Hydroponic Garden
Common Areas 25% 25% 1 5,00 0,50
Low Berths
Cargo 151,00
Cargo Crane 150 dT 1 1 3,00 3,00
Software 0,20
Jump Control/2 10 0,20
Fire Control/0
Crew 5
Command 0
Bridge 2
Pilot 1
Astrogator 1
Sensor & EW
Engineer 2
Engineer 1,0
Maintenance 0,3
Service 1
Admin 0,2
Medic 0,0
A very basic commercial chassis might look something like this:
Leaving a 150 dT payload.
I included Armour 1 to give you an idea of how much it costs.
This is a cheap basis. You will have to add weapons and armour. Weapons will require more power.
Ship: Wilderness Tramp
Class: Wilderness Tramp
Type: A3
Architect: Roger Stenning
Tech Level: 13
AP-3123321-030000-20002-0 MCr 180.170 300 Tons
Bat Bear 3 3 3 Crew: 11
Bat 3 3 3 TL: 13
Cargo: 65
Passengers: 10
Crew Sections: 1 of 11
Low: 10
Fuel: 69
EP: 9
Agility: 2
Craft: 1 x 20T Ship's Launch
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 1.662
Cost in Quantity: MCr 146.936
Detailed Description
(High Guard Design)
300.000 tons standard, 4,200.000 cubic meters, Needle/Wedge Configuration
Pilot, Navigator, 2 Engineers, 2 Stewards, Medic, 3 Gunners, 1 Flight Crew
Jump-2, 3G Manuever, Power plant-3, 9.000 EP, Agility 2
Bridge, Model/2 Computer
3 Hardpoints
3 Triple Mixed Turrets each with: 1 Beam Laser (Factor-2), 1 Missile Rack (Factor-2).
1 Sandcaster in each Mixed Turret, organised into 3 Batteries (Factor-3)
1 20.000 ton Ship's Launch (Crew of 1, Cost of MCr 14.000)
69 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
15 Staterooms, 10 Low Berths, 10 High Passengers, 10 Low Passengers, 65 Tons Cargo
MCr 167.832 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 1.662), MCr 132.936 in Quantity, plus MCr 14.000 of Carried Craft (Hardpoints and Turrets charged)
71 Weeks Singly, 57 Weeks in Quantity
Wilderness Tramp Class A3
Hull: 0.000 Td; MCr 36.000
Armour Factor-0: 0.000 Td; MCr 0.000
M-Drive Factor-3: 24.000 Td; MCr 12.000
J-Drive Factor-2: 9.000 Td; MCr 36.000
P-Plant Factor-3: 18.000 Td; MCr 54.000; +9.000 EP
P-Fuel: 9.000 Td; MCr 0,000
J-Fuel: 60.000 Td; MCr 0.000
Scoops: 0.000 Td; MCr 0.300
Purification: 5.000 Td; MCr 0.030
L-Hyd Drop Tanks: 0.000 Td; MCr 0.000
Bridge: 20.000 Td; MCr 1.500
Computer Model/2: 2.000 Td; MCr 9.000; -0 EP
3 x Mixed Turrets: 3.000 Td; MCr 9.300
1 x Ship's Launch: 20.000Td; MCr 0.040; Cost of craft: MCr 14.000
15.0 x Staterooms: 60.000 Td; MCr 7.500
10 x Low Berths: 5.000 Td; MCr 0.500
Cargo: 65.000 Td; MCr 0.000
Of course.Interesting design. Did you use a spreadsheet to generate it, perchance?
It's just a chassis. You can add payload (staterooms, vehicles, weapons, armour) as needed.Also: No passengers, just purely a cargo ship? Interesting!
Anyhow, the thinking behind a 300-ton merch ship was that it was a bridge between a 300-ton "too-damn-cramped-for-six" and a 400-ton "bit-too-big-for-six" freighter, thus providing a bit more flexibility to the players.
TL 11 Hull 108 93,6
Desired ∆TL Rat # dTon Cost Power
Hull 300 300 60
Config Streamlined 2 2 13,50
Hull strength Light 1 1
Armour Crystaliron 1 1 3,75 0,68
JumpD Budget 2 -0 2 1 20,00 22,50 78
ManœuvreD Advanced 3 1 3 1 8,10 17,82 90
PowerP (TL8) High Technology 3 1 10,00 7,50 143
Drop Tank Collar
Drop Tanks
Fuel, Jump 2 2 1 60,00
Fuel, Power 4 4 w 1 1,00
Fuel Purification 36 h 36 h 1 2,00 0,10 2
Bridge, Small 1 1 10,00 0,75
Comp m/15 3 15 1 2,00
Backup Comp m/10 2 10 1 0,16
Sensors Military 2 2 1 2,00 4,10 2
Staterooms 100% 17 17 68,00 8,50
Escape Capsules 1 34 17,00 0,68
Hydroponic Garden
Common Areas 25% 25% 1 17,00 1,70
Low Berths 10 10 1 5,00 0,50 1
Cargo 71,45
Cargo Crane 100 dT 1 1 3,00 3,00
Collapsible Tanks 70 70 0,70 0,00
Mixed Turret Triple, 0 slots 1 3 1 1,00 1,00 1
Pulse Laser Standard 2 1 2 4,00 16
Sandcaster Standard 1 1 1 0,25
Fixed Mount
Missile Triple, Standard 2 3 2 4,70
Software 0,20
Jump Control/2 10 0,20
Fire Control/0
Crew 7
Command 0
Bridge 2
Pilot 1
Astrogator 1
Sensor & EW
Engineer 2
Engineer 1,1
Maintenance 0,3
Service 2
Admin 0,2
Medic 0,2
Steward 1,0
Gunner 1
High 10
Mid 0
Low 10
Intriguing designs, Redcap. Thank you for sharing them.
I'm going to echo Brandon Cope's excellent advice and suggest you focus on a base concept first. I'm going to further suggest that your listed mission requirements in Post #22 are both internally inconsistent and over reaching.
You want a design which can Run or Gun while also being affordable to buy and cheap to maintain. Instead of picking two attributes from the classic list of Good, Fast, Cheap, you want to pick all of three. You want a design which is (nearly) all things at (nearly) all times and that cannot be done.
The armed packet you posted first can work - with premium pricing. In certain situations, it's the only one that can reliably get through and thus can name it's rates. Those situations only exist at certain times and places, however, so the armed packet is only viable in certain times and places.
What do you want the design to be? A Beowulf with a higher jump rating which can pay the bills every day? Or a Type-T carries cargo and passengers at premium rates? You cannot have both at the same time.