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3I Population: Studies of Ethnicity & Race?

Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
Most of it's population, as I understand it, anyway, is largely Solomani; despite having half the sector occupied by the Vilani first, though that is 3000 years in the past.
I don't have the figures in front of me. However I would expect as understood that both centers of each culture would have the highest concentration of cultural if not biological isolation*.

When you read somewhere that a area is largely Solomani, just what does that mean? I take it to mean people who identify with the Solomani culture or as Solomani people, however they define that. Same as say a census designation, where you have to chose one category from a list.

* I know there's a better RL term for this but I don't have it at the moment. Affiliation works better for culture.
"I would think there would be very few "pure" (whatever that really means) Solomani or Vilani (or Minor Humans for that matter) left."

I'm not so sure. Even after thousands of years, only a relatively small fraction of the population will have left Terra (or Vland, or wherever). The majority of those who stayed will mate with other natives. Of those who left, a significant fraction will found colonies which will remain relatively pure for the same reason.

Yes, the average Imperial human will be a mixture, but there will be plenty of pure specimins on and around racial homeworlds.
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Even after thousands of years, only a relatively small fraction of the population will have left Terra (or Vland, or wherever). The majority of those who stayed will mate with other natives. Of those who left, a significant fraction will found colonies which will remain relatively pure for the same reason.
Which is why I said "However I would expect as understood that both centers of each culture would have the highest concentration of cultural if not biological isolation*." And you yourself said "relatively". I believe we disagree on how much change there is over time or else on whatever "pure" means. I'm referring to absolutely *no* intermixture quite a ways back in the ancestry. Even if there’s not a lot of intermixture at any one given time, we’re talking about many generations here.
Yes, the average Imperial human will be a mixture, but there will be plenty of pure specimins on and around racial homeworlds.
Average Imperial Human. Exactly. Which means the rest are minorities. Vland and Terra are parts of two sectors out of what, 20+ in the Third Imperium? Also there has to have been enough movement to settle all those sectors over time.

- Casey digging through sources now
So are there any Aslan in the Zhodani Consulate?

And what percentage of "mixed" are mixed Imperial/Zhodani?
There are probably Aslan in the Consulate. Aslan have a sense of honour for trade dealings and Zhos have a sense of fair play (not using psi to advantage). They'd probably be able to coexist.

The answer to Jame's second question depends on if INI is trying to spread fear of the Zhos to get more budget or cool it off to prevent hysteria.... ;)

I'm also thinking, re: Andrew's point:

1. Your homeworld is your point of max economic power. Probably has more visitors (read: opportunities for genetic mixture) for tourism, business, etc. Similarly, with the greatest pop, it will have the greater outmigration (so consequently outward spreading of its gene patterns).

2. In 3000 years, I'd say about 100 generations will have passed. That's a long time.