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5.10 Errata Thread?

Book 1, p 83. p. 91 Agent Career

Rules Clarification

The rules for the reward for an Agent are unclear and scattered. They should read (or be described as):

Roll 2D less than or equal to the Control Characterstic (CC) selected for the term plus the inverted bravery/caution mods selected for the term. If you fail you get no reward.

If you succeed your mission succeeds and you get 4 additional skills rolled on the Agent skills table (select any columns as desired).

If you succeed, calculate the CC minus the Roll (without modifiers). If the result is one or more you also get a commendation of rank N (the result of CC - Roll). Note the commendation and rank.

Each commendation increases your Fame by 1. The total number of commendations is a modifier for the Benefits column of the mustering out table.
Book 1, p. 76-87

Layout issue

For each of the Careers the Risk/Reward vs success/failure table alternates between having the risk/reward as the columns and success/failure as the columns. These should be made consistent.

Risk/reward as columns: Scholar, Rogue, Noble

Success/failure as columns: Scout, Merchant, Spacers, Soldier, Agent, Marine, Functionary
Rules Clarification
Book 1. p 84.

How the rogue career risk/reward works with regard to prison is unclear

Risk: Roll 2D vs CC plus Bravery/Caution plus Terms of service. Natural 12 is always a failure.

If you fail, your scheme fails The reward for the scheme (if any) will be reduced by half. You will be spending the next term in prison. You are not injured for failing a risk during a scheme.

If you succeed your scheme results in a full reward.

If you are spending this term in prison, a failed risk roll means are injured, roll flux + Bravery/Caution mod, and if negative reduce your CC by that amount permanently. If it goes to 0, you have died. There is no disability muster out for the Rogue career.

Reward: Roll 2D vs CC plus (inverted) Bravery/Caution mods plus Terms of service. Natural 12 is always a failure.

If you fail, you get no reward this term.

If you succeed, calculate 1 + CC - Roll + mods (as above) and multiply the results by the value of the Scheme. Multiply by half if you failed the risk roll.

If you are spending this term in prison, there is no reward.

Note: "In Prison" may involve actual prison time, it may also include dealing with parole officers, being under surveillance from the police, running from bounty hunters, sitting in a court room listening to your Advocate telling the jury what an upstanding citizen you are, bribing the Judge, and/or any of the other many things the legal system might do to distract you from concentrating on doing a scheme.

Skills: If you are spending this term in prison, you get two skills from column 1 or 2 only.

If not, you get three skills select any column.

If your scheme succeeds, you get three more skills (total of 6 for the term).

You can not muster out of the Rogue career to avoid the term in prison.
Retry into a career.

Rules Addition.
Book 1, p. 73

The only career you can retry entry into is the Scout Service.

As an addition, you can retry in to the Rogue career if you select a different Characteristic.

If you have attempted entry into the Merchant service and failed as either a space hand or officer, you can retry as a temp (which is automatic).

You can retry into the Entertainer career as a different kind of entertainer.
Book 1, p. 69, Retirement pay

Text error.

The book says:

Soldiers, Spacers, and Marines who served on active
duty for at least 4 terms (not counting as Reservists) are
eligible for Retirement Pay

There is no other mention of "Reservists" in the book. The Parenthetical comment could be removed.

Under Pensions, it also mentions "Reservists", but again, no mention of how to become one. This could also be removed.

Edit: found the "reserves" for the marines, army, and spacers (p. 69). you can ignore this
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Scout service.

Rules inconsistency.

p79 says each discovery by the scout gains fame +1
p.91 says each scout discover is +4 points.

Given that the scout mustering out benefits roll is fame/2 knowing how much fame you've gains has a strong influence on the Mustering out rolls.
Book 2, p. 163

Display / Textual error

The header for the Hybrid S-L-M Launcher is wrong. Cost, min. mount, Base TL and Principles are not in line with other writeups for this weapon system. It also uses the Anti-Matter Missile Launcher icon instead of the Hybrid S-L-M Launcher icon.

Potential textural error

The example writeup for the individual SandCaster, Beam Laser and Missile weapons listed under Hybrid S-L-M use a Standard system for each.
Various example writeups in the same book (like the example combat on p. 199) use an Improved SandCaster and an Advanced Missile Launcher to give every individual weapon a baseline TL of 10 (though that could just be because the example ships themselves are TL 10).

Book 2, p. 172

Textual error

The Hybrid S-L-M Launcher is listed as having a Base TL of 11 (should be 10), as well as a min. mount size of Barbette (should be Turret).

Book 1, page 90, SHIP SHARES table, Yacht entry.

Type of error:

Logic/Textual error.

Description of issue:

QSP and MCr do not match the Tons, J, and G columns.

The Tons, J, and G line up with the original Yacht: 200 tons, J1 M1. However, the QSP and MCr are for a 500 ton, M4, J2, MCr 100 yacht.

Neither solution seems attractive: the original Yacht is underpowered, and the 500 ton Yacht is overpowered. Frankly, I'd like to see the 200t Yacht upgraded with maneuver-3.

Submitted by
Rob Eaglestone

Book 1, page 90, SHIP SHARES table, Close Escort entry.

Type of error:

Logic/Textual error.

Description of issue:

The "J" column does not match design in Book 2 p34 and p37.


The "J" column should be "4", not "3".

Submitted by
Rob Eaglestone
Neither solution seems attractive: the original Yacht is underpowered, and the 500 ton Yacht is overpowered. Frankly, I'd like to see the 200t Yacht upgraded with maneuver-3.

Submitted by
Rob Eaglestone

No reason you can't have both: the "Gentleman's" 200 ton M-3 and the Noble's 500 ton as stated (or J-3/M-3 ?).
Equipment TL Mismatch

Book 3, page 186 (Traveller 5.10 - PDF)

Table M Construction

Matter Transport listed as TL M (21) in table but description below shows TL 25. Description on page 187 shows "Transporter" not "Matter Transporter"
Teleport Platform, Advanced TL conflict

Book 3, page 186 lists the Teleport Platforms, Advanced as TL T (27) but the description on page 188 says TL 28.
Location: Book 3, page 28, Chart G table 2 or Book 3, page 24, Chart B, table 2A

Type of error: Mechanic error

Description of issue:

The table on page 28 says "Spectral Type: Roll Flux for Primary. For all others, Primary Flux + (1D-1)."

We already did that for the primary back on chart B. We probably don't remember the flux roll if we are using MOARN though I suppose we can pick from the possible values somehow.

It would probably be best to generate all stars (and their orbits) back on chart B. It might be possible to move Chart B, table 1B to chart G, but I can see that layout space is scarce here.

Submitted by RogerD
Location: Book 3, page 19, Table G and page 28, Chart F, NIL table

Type of error: Logic error

Description of issue:

It is possible under Traveller 5 WorldGen to have no NIL rating at all, even with a high population. It usually comes up on an otherwise habitable world with an X starport.

The rules about the lifespan of a civilization (Book 2, p.240) has the idea that there is a stone age civilization for some period of time at least 100 generations and maybe 60000 generations - surely there should be a NIL coding for that state.

Perhaps the simplest thing to do would be to remove the TL 1+ restriction for Natives and Exotic Natives and perhaps others. Alternatively a new status could be added perhaps with "Proto" as a prefix. Note that humaniti is thought to have been fewer than 10000 individuals at one point.
Location: Book 3, page 254, Table B
Type of error: Logic error (I think - but I might be missing something)
Description of issue:
To build a beast, one rolls flux for Native Terrain. You then roll 1D to determine Locomotion.
The DMs for that 1D roll are Atm 8+ -2, Size 5- -1, Hyd 6+ +1, Hyd 9+ +1. HOWEVER, higher rolls on the 1D are more likely to be flying beasts of some kind on the land terrain. Surely denser atmosphere and lower size should be positive DMs? Higher Hydrographics giving a positive DM makes sense as on a higher water world there will be more flying or flyphibian or triphibian creatures.
Reported by:
Jonathan Sherlock
Location: Book 1, page 79, Table A
Type of error: Rules inconsistency/Error
Description of issue:
To Begin C1 or C2 or C3
Risk & Reward C1 C2 C3
Retry R&R C5
Continue Int

This is inconsistent with the Scout Career overview on page 73
Roll to Begin vs C1 or C2 or C3
Retry vs C5
Select Courier Duty
to avoid Risk and Reward
Roll Risk & Reward vs C1 C2 C3 C4
Determine Skill eligibility; take Skills
Roll Int to Continue
If No, end Career
Note Muster Out benefits

Also, page 65 mentions being able to Retry Entry into a career, but there is no mention in the rules of being able to Retry R&R. It appears that the overview on page 73 would take precedence over the table on page 79.
Location: Book 3, page 28, Chart G table 2 or Book 3, page 24, Chart B, table 2A

Type of error: Mechanic error

Description of issue:

The table on page 28 says "Spectral Type: Roll Flux for Primary. For all others, Primary Flux + (1D-1)."

We already did that for the primary back on chart B. We probably don't remember the flux roll if we are using MOARN though I suppose we can pick from the possible values somehow.

It would probably be best to generate all stars (and their orbits) back on chart B. It might be possible to move Chart B, table 1B to chart G, but I can see that layout space is scarce here.

Submitted by RogerD
Elaborating on this, the "Sp" column of the two tables (pg. 24, B-2A & pg. 28 G-2) are different in the -6 thru +6 range they share. Which is correct? The text summary of Chart B (pp. 16-17) makes no specific mention of the B-2A "Homestar" table, and it is not listed in the corresponding section of the WorldGen Checklist (pg. 23). The summary for Chart G (pg. 21 in specific) does call out use of the Spectral Type chart. Finally, the generation example on pg. 23 skips Chart B Table 2A, and determines the primary spectral type from Chart F. The text would appear to support the use of Chart F - but that is only my own interpretation.
Location: Book 3, page 23, last line under "G" section / page 29, "Inner and HZ Satellites"

Type of error: Textual error

Description of issue: The line in questions reads "HZ Hospitables Satellite table = 1D = 4 = Hospitable." The actual table (pg. 29, "Inner and HZ Satellites") lists "StormWorld" for a result of 4. Either the example (pg. 23) is incorrect, or the table (pg. 29) is incorrect (mentioned due to this post earlier in the thread).
Location: Book 2, page 202, Weapons vs. Defenses table

Type of error: omission

Description of issue:
* The table has an Scr column. Presumably this means Screens or Scramblers, but no reference is provided on this page or p.203. G makes sense as a meson screen, but codes QEJX are not at all clear what they stand for. p. 174 explains Q = Mag scrambler, J = Grav scrambler and E = Elec scrambler, but X does not appear there.
* The table should also have relevant entries for the nuclear damper (N) vs. the relevant nuclear missiles.
* There should also be proton screen entries (R) where needed.
* In general, more weapons should be affected by scramblers, based on the weapon's principle.

Here is what I think the column should read, but I'm probably missing stuff.
TJump DamperE
HJump InducerE
BSlug ThrowerE
VSalvo RackE
NKK MissileE
XAM MissileE
RRail GunEJ
Missile SSlug
Missile DDeadfall
Missile XExplosive
Missile EEMPN
Missile NNuclearN
Missile AAnti-MatterR
Missile KKinetic
Missile YDecoy
Missile ZSensor
Y Hybrid S-L-MEJ
GMeson GunEJ
AParticle AcceleratorEQ
JMining LaserE
KPulse LaserE
LBeam LaserE
PPlasma GunEJ
FFusion GunEJ
* The Hybrid S-L-M launcher is marked as Electronic/Gravitic, but none of the component weapons are Gravitic (p.163) - this could be an error also.
* The guidance of missiles is probably E (Electronic), but unguided are possible too. Nearly any warhead will have some electronics for the detonator. The primary exception to needing electronics is the slug, where the aiming and kinetic energy are done at the gun. Even a KK device will likely need terminal guidance to actually hit its target.
Location: Book 2, page 202, Weapons vs. Defenses table

* The Hybrid S-L-M launcher is marked as Electronic/Gravitic, but none of the component weapons are Gravitic (p.163) - this could be an error also.
* The guidance of missiles is probably E (Electronic), but unguided are possible too. Nearly any warhead will have some electronics for the detonator. The primary exception to needing electronics is the slug, where the aiming and kinetic energy are done at the gun. Even a KK device will likely need terminal guidance to actually hit its target.

Some possibilities:
  1. Depending on the missile, propulsion or launcher-impulse might be gravitic.
  2. Many missiles are operator-guided: TL15+ may use CommPlus (Meson/Neutrino Comm) for this. CommPlus and Neutrino detector are both labeled as gravitic-principle in T5.10 Book 2, p. 140, 168.
  3. Nuclear devices of sufficient TL may use gravitics in their detonation trigger
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