Originally posted by tbeard1999:
I mean, the SMG in CT hits an unarmored target on a 0+ (at short or medium range), for heaven's sake. That means a character with nothing more than SMG-0 and no DEX bonus will hit every single time -- even if the target is evading. It's worse than that, because he'll hit TWICE per the double shot rule. And, he'll get a shot at two other figures with a 98% chance of success.
Let's test this too...
Stat-7, SMG-0 character. Fires at an unarmored target at Short Range.
+0 Skill
+0 DEX Bonus
+3 Short Range
+5 vs. No Armor
This is an automatic hit and penetration (no armor to penetrate). And, this will happen twice due to the autofire rule.
That part is understood.
Yet, again, here's
what you're missing...
Let's say the defender is an average character of 777777 stats.
Let's also say that the damage rolled (3D) for the SMG is average (10 points average).
That means damage roll #1 could be: 5, 1, 4
Damage roll #2 could be: 2, 6, 2
So, total damage is: 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6. (an average of 20 points on 3D)
This damage will
wound the target with a single Serious Wound. He'll end up with stats reduced to: 001. And, he'll heal from that gunshot wound, to full recovery, in 5-30 days if the recommended care is provided.
What is this saying?
It's saying that, if you place yourself within 50 meters of an attacker spraying your with full automatic fire of an SMG,
you will be shot.
Well, if damage is low, you'll only have a minor wound. And, if damage is higher than average, you'll be killed.
That doesn't sound too unreasonable to me. We're talking 50 meters and an SMG spraying the area with full auto. Not so unrealistic.
But consider....
If the defender's stats are higher than normal, this SMG shot can easily average as a
Minor Wound that will completely heal in half an hour if treated properly.
Consider the exact same damage and scenario above, but change out the victim with stats: A8C.
This character will only be wounded with an
Minor Wound! He's not shot! He's more like "Stunned" from the gunfire. He'll heal completely (get his breath back) in 30 minutes!
This is another area I think you're neglecting to fully comprehend. I've mentioned it before. The CT combat system uses
abstract damage.
Just because you hit and penetrate doesn't necessarily mean that your target is "shot"....the damage roll is needed to complete the picture.
So, when you say that it's ridiculous that an SMG fired at a target at 50 meters has a 100% chance of hitting that target,
most people would tend to agree that, yeah, that's not modeling reality.
But, when you consider the damage roll in CT as well, you can see that a successful
hit does not necessarily mean the character was
Being shot by any firearm would be a pretty serious affair, even if it's the best of wounds.
But, if you're fully healed in 30 minutes,
you weren't shot. You were knocked unconscious. Maybe you were winded. But, no bullet penetrated your skin.
Likewise, consider D&D (which has a similar attack/penetrate throw plus a damage throw that must be considered together).
You've got a 3 foot long sword. You swing it, hit, and do 1d8 of damage vs. your opponent with 42 hit points.
Did you just break the skin with that hit?
No. He probably (it's abstract...so you have to extrapolate if you want details) blocked your blow. But, the 1d8 of damage you do represents your opponenet getting tired, becoming weak, less and less able to defend himself.
SOMETIMES vanilla CT attack and damage rolls refelct the
SAME thing.
An SMG is fired....
...it's a 100% chance of success on the to-hit due to modifiers and the autofire rule...
...damage is rolled, but the dice come out below average: 1, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3.
Your opponent, unarmored, has stats: F65
Your opponent takes all of the damage from his STR stat (it's his choice).
Now, after suffering a fully automatic SMG burst, the character has stats: 165.
DO YOU think that the SMG throw represents the character actually hitting the target with some SMG bullets, and the target just shrugged off the wound?
Or, do you think that it's an abstract system, and, if you want to extrapolate what happened here, then a SMG burst was fired at the target, and the target was "rattled" and maybe "scared" from the weapons fire.
You see...the CT system isn't broken. I just don't think you understand it fully.