Probably, but they phrased the rule clumsily, and that is what we are left with.
You might imagine so, but the rules are blunt and does not give any reason.
That's fine. We're still left with the fact that they didn't want the '81 rules to prohibit the XBoat, and they didn't think the rules did that. Perhaps it was because they didn't notice or care, but as the song goes, "if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." They also didn't change it to a LBB5 design.
However you look at it, something breaks. It cannot be built as described in S-7 under any post-1977 rules while remaining consistent with the OTU timeline. If you're using an ATU, but taking the rules and description as absolutes, it cannot exist. If you're using the OTU, it exists and works only if either the OTU timeline is incorrect or the description and/or rules aren't absolutely literal. It's just a matter of choosing what to break, preferably doing the minimum possible violence to the rules and setting.
The choices are:
1. It's a TL-15 ship built per HG '80. This really breaks the OTU timeline. It also has room for a 1G maneuver drive. It makes some sense as a state-of-the-art version used in the Imperial Core in 1105-7.
2. It's a TL-13 ship built per HG '80. This still breaks the OTU timeline, but everything including the big mail server and comms equipment fits.
3. It's a TL-11 ship built per LBB2 '81. This breaks "literal S-7 description" (which was already broken by LBB2 '81 just by not having a powerplant) and "four weeks of fuel no matter what", but not the implied weekly fuel use rate.
4. It's a TL-unknown ship built per LBB2 '81 but the powerplant doesn't need fuel and it still breaks the "literal S-7 description". The only other canonical ship that doesn't need powerplant fuel (to be fair, it doesn't need a powerplant either, or Jump fuel for that matter) may have had TL-22 components -- Annic Nova.