Out of all that has ever been sold with Traveller's name on it, was anything about time travel ever published?
I'm actually writing one.
Out of all that has ever been sold with Traveller's name on it, was anything about time travel ever published?
heh :devil:
CT LBB3 copyright 1981 (not sure it's in the 1977 printing or not):
Page 15 (tech level chart):
Tech Level 16 - Transportation - matter transport (aka transporters)
I seem to recall MegaTrav breaking that down a little more, with basic matter transport at TL16 and no safe people transporters until TL... 18?
Still....at TL 16 (TL17 in the 1971 ed.) they are safely over the horizon in the OTU. And nowhere to be seen IMTU. Not that it keeps players from always asking for them.
Don't forget Paranoia Press Merchants & Merchandise pg 22 gives you 6 different transporters from TL 16 to TL 18 with capacity and cost. Even added a new skill Transporter Specialist (Operations) :devil:
you forgot the practical, safe, high output vehicular fusion power. Despite fusion being as yet below breakeven except in runaway mode, it is often ignored in "magic technology."
But it isn't a separate magic tech from the gravitics that way, though, just an extension of the gravitics, right? (Although personally I'd hesitate to call the manipulation of gravity magic tech, since from the little I know it doesn't seem that we've really got any idea of how it works to know whether we could manipulate it or not.)
I'm not sure that "tech we can't do yet" is the same as "magic tech". Was the airplane "magic tech" in 1865 but regular tech in 1915? Was a fission powered submarine "magic tech" in 1935 but regular tech in 1975?
We've got quadrillions of examples of self sustaining high output fusion power plants being run by nature with no active controls other than the laws of physics. The hangups are 1) practical at a smaller scale 2) still high output at a small enough scale to fit in a vehicle, and 3) safe in a vehicle. It seems as if #3 will be the trickiest since vehicles crash - both accidentally and deliberately.
3 words...
Puppeteer stepping disks!
The physics behind the fusion reactions that take place in stars is very well understood.aramis:
We can also make an assumption that gravtronics plays apart in fusion reactor as well considering that our sun is a massive object in the center of our solar system. Compressing the gas might just be as important as the magnetic feild in Traveller Tech.
Just a Leyman observation...
The physics behind the fusion reactions that take place in stars is very well understood.
The breakthrough technology in Traveller is most definitely gravitics - by using a powerful artificial gravity generator you can more easily replicate stellar fusion reactions on a much smaller scale.
Gravitics technology also gives us null grav modules, artificial gravity and probably acceleration compensation, and is also probably involved in the development of the Traveller maneuver drive (all except the HEPlaR of TNE that is). Research into fusion technology and gravitics is what leads to jump drive breakthroughs too.
The next breakthrough Traveller technology is the nuclear damper, the ability to manipulate the strong nuclear forces. This is probably why fusion reactors get more efficient after ND is developed.
We can also make an assumption that gravtronics plays apart in fusion reactor as well considering that our sun is a massive object in the center of our solar system. Compressing the gas might just be as important as the magnetic feild in Traveller Tech.
Just a Leyman observation...