Before this thread becomes necrotic, I can say that in a 1110, Fifth Frontier War campaign I ran using Mongoose Traveller1E; I once had the PCs in a court of Nobles with no less than Duke/Archduke Norris, Duke Luis of Lunion, Duchess Delphine Muudashir of Mora, and three Viscounts of Lanth just before that big moment when Norris popped his forged Imperial Warrant granting him Archduke elevation (much to the raging, red-faced consternation of Delphine).
The players ate it up. They got to be present at one of the most pivotal moments in Fifth Frontier War history. They were beaming when Norris picked up his chair after his Warrant was confirmed as actual Imperial stationary by robots on hand to scan it. Norris hefted the chair with very young Seldrian seated in it and carried it and her to sit right next to Duke Luis (the host of the court gathering). "Don't get up," he said to Luis.
So, normal play can feature the big names so long as the spotlight remains on the Travellers and what they can offer to this ostentatious snapshot in time with very high Nobles in the same chamber.
It made no difference that two Travellers were banished from the Domain of Deneb by Archduke Norris to keep the peace and send two psions home for no crime other than being outed as being psionic. Norris was deft, dignified and asserted himself with confidence.
To conclude, I think that normal play can feature higher-ranked Nobles in moderation and kept for those really beautiful gems of game sessions.