Are you two having fun, 'cause - with all due respect - I don't see how this is answering the OP's question.
Where's the like button

But really, from a PC pov "Who cares!"
and from a ref's pov this amounts to fluff for encounter tables
if you think they're too big cut back on the navy encounters
if you think they need to be larger add more
if you think they are just right go for it
To me fleet size is a supermetagame tool it really only comes in to play when you need/want to play out FFW, Rebellion or any other multi-fleet engagements to give you a new feel for YTU because if you then impose your played out outcome the OTU becomes an ATU because you changed the OTU outcome.
Sorry, but I just had to get that off my chest.

Now you may go back to your tit-for-tat tonnage exchange.