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Art Sneak Peak

USS Molly Brown would be my favourite. I had made a list, and the CA adds several historical spaceship names

Mercury project
Liberty Bell

Gemini project (all unofficial)
Molly Brown
American Eagle
Olympic Torch
(Castor and Pollux were common themes in the patches of the unnamed missions)

Apollo project (Command Mods)
Apollo (destroyed on pad)
Charlie Brown
Yankee Clipper
Kitty Hawk

Landing Mods

Pathfinder (ground based simulator)

Names from the Colonial Atlas
Hermes (First US Stutterwarp Programme)
Tangent (First manned US mission to Jupiter)
Phoenix (First manned US mission since TW, launched 2151)
Odysseus (First US manned mission to Pluto)
Is an energy weapon ever going to replace missiles? Not unless physics changes.

It seems to me that ships will get smaller as missiles improve, with newer technologies (penetration aids) and bus missiles
Originally posted by kafka47:
What about some names that would suggest the new humility that America faces in the world of 2320AD...
There was a SSBN named USS Thomas Paine. As for the rest of the 20th century media darlings you suggest, in 300 years they will be as well remembered as the leaders of the Anti Masonic League. If they are lucky.

A country weakened and humiliated would have to look to martial heroes (either real or manufactured) to inspire its fighting men, not failed malcontents. And nothing screams late 20th century like naming a fighting ship after a moderately successful educator and professional pundit who happened to have been born a slave.
Originally posted by BMonnery:
Is an energy weapon ever going to replace missiles? Not unless physics changes.

It seems to me that ships will get smaller as missiles improve, with newer technologies (penetration aids) and bus missiles
In general, that would be correct. The heavy energy weapons, and the ships they are mounted on, are more about who's packet is bigger, rather than their tactical advantages. Dedicated point-defense weapons and point-defense drones have shifted the balance from missiles somewhat, though bus missiles do push back. But missile throw-weight still largely determines the outcome of a battle.
Also, the introduction of the submunitions dispenser gives carrier ships real teeth. The trend in 2300 was that Fighter Carriers were coming of age. Bus missiles may or may not change this (more compact submunitions would effect fighter-bombers too), but the submunitions armed fighter can be fast, heavily armoured and well armed. Unlike a missile they are also reusable.
Just as long as the submunitions pack a real punch; those dinky little 1x1 things a lot of the fighters had were never much more than a nuisance in our games.
Uncle Bob is correct--whatever your politics, the America of the Twilight Era was one where military prowess, skill, and organization would be respected. Whatever you read about the Popular Conservatives or American Party, both draw from traditiional American values--I won't say conservative so much, but historic values. So the USS Malcolm X is probably not likely to be hanging out in the Aurore system. That's not to say black heroes wouldn't be celebrated. Wasn't the CJCS in Twilight 2000 an African-American? (I always thought GDW had Colin Powell in mind, even before he was elevated to that job in real life).
Might be cool but probably not doable. The contract probably stipulates that submissions not used either revert back to the artist after a period or may be used by the publisher within that time. So posting the images might violate that and cost somebody some coin.
I suggest going with historical US ships names. For the dreadnought class I suggest Enterprise. Its a very historical name, along with other carrier names like Saratoga, Lexington, etc. Or go with the traditional states names.

For the French DN, I suggest the Emperor class, or one of the historical french BB names such as the Danton class, the Republique class, the Courbet class, Lyon class, Normandie class, Dunkerque class, Richelieu class (All names taken from Jane's Battleships of the 20th Century).

British ships: Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, Lion, Tiger, Hood, etc. The names of fine old WWI and WWII battleships. The lead ships should of course be called Dreadnaught.
Originally posted by shanksow:
How about posting some new images. Maybe the stuff that did not get approve for inclusion in the new gamebook?
We don't have anything like that yet. In fact, the biggest hold-back with the book is the lack of art. As Hunter is unavailable to approve new artists, Ted Lindsey, Laurent Esmiol, and I are just doing what we can until he returns.
Just a quick note, for those who doubt 20th century ship names will survive into the 24th. Warspite, Ark Royal and Dreadnaught all date to the 1500's (the last two fought the Armada). And, in the US Navy, Enterprise, Eagle, Wasp and Hornet all date back to 1700's
I don't know.

Basically, here's where we are at: The writing is done. I'm poking and prodding at it, but it's really just tinkering. Hunter has purchased the manuscript from me. He owns it. The fact that he has shelled out money for is a good indication that it will, in fact, get published. It's the only way for him to recoup his expenses. When this will happen is unknown, though.

In the meantime, Ted Lindsey, Laurent Esmiol, and myself are working on 2320AD Lite, which is really more of a teaser than an actual "Lite" version. When we have that finished, it will be released to the Moot as a "beta". We would require approval from Marc Miller and Hunter to actually release it to the public at large.

That's it. That's all I know on the subject. ;)
First I'd like to express my feelings about artwork: Fraging great job!

Originally posted by Jame:
Yes, the missile cells, the short white things in the after section: the set of three at the top and the set of three on the bottom. Not the two big things at forward, the ones that are the same gray as the rest of the hull.
I don' think those round tube-like things are missile cells, since missiles need only 2 square meters of hull area per silo (and Kennedy Class has its missiles in 4 or 5 silos). Instead I think they are hull masking; the heat radiation is stored in those tubes and radiated away after the battle. Or that's how my friend figured out the physics of hull masking. But anyway, I'd vote no for missiles.

I'm getting 2300AD soon, so I'm going to get into that before I try out 2320.
2300AD is sadly broken design, but if you can make something out of it, that's just great. The background material is great, though, and one of my projects've been to converse the 2300AD setting to my own rule system (which is still under developement, of course) and to make general sense of the whole mess.

What comes to 2320AD, it's looking great so far. Keep up the good work, Colin and team!

- Jeddak