1. Labourer: Labourer: You worked in whatever dead-end job was not being done by robots or slaves
2. Hkisyeleaa slaver
3. The Aslan encountered several other sentient species in this expansionist era. Primitive species were enslaved or even eaten by the Aslan; the practise of treating sophonts as prey continued for another five hundred years, until a great philosopher named Aewier convinced the clans that this was rukhiywe (un-Aslan) behaviour.
4.The Border Wars still evoke terror in many of the worlds invaded by the Aslan. The skies would darken with attack ships; huge goldenfurred monsters would drop down on grav belts to storm the cities; children would be taken as slaves and those who attempted to hide from the Aslan would be butchered or even eaten.
5. Arerl (Slave Machine, TL12): Arerl (Slave Machine, TL12): These are humanoid robots, mass produced and used for labour. The Aslan could perhaps have developed more efficient non-humanoid designs but the arerl appeals to some atavistic instinct in the Aslan.
6. The Glorious Empire adapted their Hkisyeleaas for slave raiding. Unfortunate humans were captured by Aslan raiders riding ATVs or air/rafts and thrown into the freezing chambers. A fully-stocked Slaver can carry more than 1,500 slaves if the captain is willing to cram as many bodies as possible into the low berths; 750 is a ‘safe’ number. Slavers are comparatively lightly armed and have little protection from attackers, so they are normally escorted by more combatready ships.
7. A livestock or slave market in progress
8. The Aslan also use far more labourers than a comparable high-tech human world – while they do use robots, it is a sign of prestige to use living labourers or even non-Aslan slaves.
9. Slave pen
10. While the Tlaukhu had just outlawed slavery under the terms of the Grand Conclave, the Tokouea’we embraced it. Human slaves drove the expansion of the Tokouea’we clan, until it was the single greatest Aslan military power in the sector.
11.The Glorious Empire has survived, albeit somewhat diminished, to the present day and still enslaves humans for brute labour and cannon fodder.
12. The economy of the Glorious Empire is founded on slavery – between 30% to 60% of its population are humans (exact tallies are hard to come by, as the Empire is fiercely xenophobic), who were enslaved by the Empire during its expansionist period.
13. Its sole exports are mercenaries and its economy is stagnating due to the lack of skilled technicians among the slave caste.
14. Aside from practicing slavery, Glorious Empire culture is much like traditional Aslan culture.
and so on ...
Discovery Klingons, anyway.