mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
It is one of their wort, and it is up against stiff competition for that title. It suffers a lot in comparison with the GT Sword World book which is one of the best Traveller supplements ever written, shame the MgT author didn't bother to read it.I do not have a lot of Mongoose material, and the only alien module that I have is the one on the Sword Worlds, which definitely turned me off of getting any more.
This is a very important point, No Traveller alien race should be viewed as humans in suits. The CT Alien module, GT Alien Races 2 and DGP's Solomani and Aslan go to great lengths to describe the differences in physiology, psychology, culture. They all have to point out how we as humans can use existing human cultures to take a stab at playing them - hence describing them as similar to feudal samurai and Scottish highland clans.Having said that, I suspect that you are turning the Aslan into humans with lion-like bodies, rather than a separate species with their own distinct motivations, desires, and drives.
MgT has added stuff to their vision of the Aslan which is very much lion men in rubber suits - they have taken the worst inspirations from literature and added them to the Aslan to produce a kewel new take on them.
(note not worst as in bad - the Kzinti in Niven's universe are a complex race, but they are very different to the Aslan of Traveller. The kilrathi are a Kzinti rip off.)
I agree with you.It is up to the Game Master as to how he or she runs his or hers universe, so in that sense, all this thread does is increase the number of possibilities for running the Aslan. They can be nasty, territory defending carnivores who view all weaker creatures that are edible as food, or basically humans in lion-like bodies. Which ever fits your universe, as there cannot be a single right answer.
I would like to add that most versions of Traveller goes to great lengths to remind us that the Aslan are only superficially in any way similar to lions.
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