Hmm, I wonder if he was influenced by Kzinti, Kilrathi and Liono because he doesn't appear to stick with the CT Alien module. ...
THAT is clear Kzinti influence:
3. The Aslan encountered several other sentient species in this expansionist era. Primitive species were enslaved or even eaten by the Aslan; the practise of treating sophonts as prey continued for another five hundred years, until a great philosopher named Aewier convinced the clans that this was rukhiywe (un-Aslan) behaviour.
4.The Border Wars still evoke terror in many of the worlds invaded by the Aslan. The skies would darken with attack ships; huge goldenfurred monsters would drop down on grav belts to storm the cities; children would be taken as slaves and those who attempted to hide from the Aslan would be butchered or even eaten.