• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

At the starport, you discover...

Lottery/gambling items
89. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is Season/lifetime pass to sports arena
90. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is Season/lifetime pass to bordello francise
91. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is right to vote in local elections
92. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is right to have a child on this planet
93. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is large tract of land, house, farm, condo, bar or bordello next to the starport gate
94. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is alien slave
95. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is someones wife
96. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is a child
97. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is a large live egg, contents unknown
98. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is sack of Droyne Coynes
99. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is weapons license above normal law level, sellable
100. Win lottery/gambling contest, prize is patent of arms, you are now a local noble
101. Win lottery, prize is license wo hunt people on high pop planet, to improve the breed (The 10th Victim)
102. Win lottery, prize is picked as the "Running Man" (Richard Bachman novel)
103. Win lottery, prize is You are president for a year, and can't leave or give the job away
104. Win lottery, prize is a 100 Ton Yacht, not jump capable
People gamble to make life less boring. Items 89 to 104 should cure their bordom for a while.
Originally posted by Kentares:
Cant... resist... myself...

83) You´re approached by an old man, a boy and two droids to give them a ride to some well known planet.
..wishing to avoid "imperial entanglements.."
Originally posted by trader jim:
.....Or, on a modified roll of 2,780....you capture Trader Jim!!!!....HA, NEVER Happen Guys!!!
105> Be mistaken for Trader Jim by..
(a) folks who owe him money, they repay YOU! (Win Fall in your corner today!<wink>
(b) folks who he owes money to (they pursue you, of course!)-grrr
(C) folks from IMoJ-Revenues office, who want to chat about unlicensced Vorpal Bunny breeding, as well as untariffed / untaxed Coffee Juice export profits. <step this way sirs, we'd like to talk you a bit..>
(d) By the crew of URSULA, and they redecorate your starport offloading some Bioagent laden 38 suits of TL-C battle dress on you...<Local planetary powers then ortillery strike your ship/the port with usual results>
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by trader jim:
.....Or, on a modified roll of 2,780....you capture Trader Jim!!!!....HA, NEVER Happen Guys!!!
105> Be mistaken for Trader Jim by..
(a) folks who owe him money, they repay YOU! (Win Fall in your corner today!<wink>
(b) folks who he owes money to (they pursue you, of course!)-grrr
(C) folks from IMoJ-Revenues office, who want to chat about unlicensced Vorpal Bunny breeding, as well as untariffed / untaxed Coffee Juice export profits. <step this way sirs, we'd like to talk you a bit..>
(d) By the crew of URSULA, and they redecorate your starport offloading some Bioagent laden 38 suits of TL-C battle dress on you...<Local planetary powers then ortilery strike your ship/ port with usual results>
</font>[/QUOTE](e) A teenaged D'kelva suddenly attacks your party! If subdued she accuses the party of genocide. Reason being a distant cousin of one of the PCs was involved with the atrocities. D'kelva honor does allow punishing relations. The distant cousin is a merchant captain for Trader Jim Shipping.
Originally posted by George Boyett:

105> Be mistaken for Trader Jim by..
(a) folks who owe him money, they repay YOU! (Win Fall in your corner today!<wink>
(b) folks who he owes money to (they pursue you, of course!)-grrr
(C) folks from IMoJ-Revenues office, who want to chat about unlicensced Vorpal Bunny breeding, as well as untariffed / untaxed Coffee Juice export profits. <step this way sirs, we'd like to talk you a bit..>
(d) By the crew of URSULA, and they redecorate your starport offloading some Bioagent laden 38 suits of TL-C battle dress on you...<Local planetary powers then ortilery strike your ship/ port with usual results>
(e) A teenaged D'kelva suddenly attacks your party! If subdued she accuses the party of genocide. Reason being a distant cousin of one of the PCs was involved with the atrocities. D'kelva honor does allow punishing relations. The distant cousin is a merchant captain for Trader Jim Shipping. [/QB][/QUOTE]
(WARNING! If using option e, their are 12 BILLION more of them willing to pick up wher she leaves off! use this option at YOUR OWN RISK!)--
rat bastidd evil GM-URSULA site mgr..Mike Rourke
(last seen heading for Kelthadi, out in Reft sector..somewheres..)
106: A high-class restaurant. A robber or group of such try to rob it and the customers. A D'Kelva enlists your aid in defeating them.
107...You get drug off in handcuffs after going postal on the worthless security guard for making you take off your shoes...Do I look like a K'kree anti-carnivore terrorist? No, I'm an upstanding member of the Imperium and...
<sounds of neuro-clubs being used>

108. The ship docked next door is the Cauchaut. You see a cute dark haired girl carrying a large metal case
and a box marked with an orange diamond (Explosive D). An adult yells to her "Ditzie, bring that back here!"
d200 anybody?

109) "The White Zone is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no parking in the Red Zone..."
111: You see a fat guy with a blue shirt and hat standing next to a skinny guy with a red shirt and hat holding up a sign saying Charters Available.
112) A concealed weapon accidentally discharges. It belongs to a nearby stranger only if none of the PC's are carrying one (includes explosives, projectile and energy weapons, aerosols and sprays, radio jammers, etc.).
113) Jackpot! A nearby ATM begins dispensing 100cr chits once per second.
114) One of the PC's unknowinly makes a gesture that is insulting to a nearby member of an alien race - roll 1D for results: 1 to 3 = Much yelling an screaming attracts a crowd; 4 or 5 = The alien challenges the PC to a duel; 6 = The PC is arrested. DM-1 if PC height is 2 meters or more, DM+1 if PC height is 1.5 meters or less.
115) One of the PC's finds a blue box with fifteen buttons on it ("1" through "9", "0", "KP", "ST", "ST1", "ST2", "ST3") and a yellow data cartridge labelled "Garbage" taped to the bottom of a seat.
116) One of the PC's suddenly notices that his or her fingers have turned chalky white. That's okay, because they turn dark blue just after they go numb...
117) One of the PC's begins to notice a bald-headed human in a floor-length leather trenchcoat staring at him. He disappears whenever the PC tries to point him out to anyone, only to reappear in 7 to 12 minutes.
118) One of the players' favorite songs is heard over the terminals PA/1MC. The referee is encouraged to sing or hum the tune in a high falsetto voice while accompanying him- or herself on a toy piano. If no toy piano is available, then the referee may improvise on any available kazoo or harmonica.
119) One of the PC's receives a page to pick up a white courtesy phone. When the PC identifies him- or herself, the caller is connected and whispers "We know who you are and we saw what you did. Don't move, the police are on their way. If you hang up, you will die."
120) A childhood picture of one of the PC's is spotted under the caption "Have you seen me?"
121) I'll first admit that I stole this idea from a Paranoia module...
Announcement over the PA "The passengers and crew of [whatever ship the PCs just left] must report immediately to decontamination for reprocessing. Failure to comply with this Health Emergency will obligate Port Authorities to use any required force."
The ref should make this announcement with a styrofoam cup in his mouth to insure that not one single word is comprehensible.
122) The planet is socially "repressed" in some way, and something of a revolution against that repression is beginning to get official sanction. The PCs, as they go through Customs, are advised that they have been selected to be made an example of, and will have to comply (for a week) with a blatant violation of a custom symbolic of the repression that is being overturned. They are forbidden to return to the starport for the duration, and must spend most of their time in public in "violation" mode. Minor conditions should be set to enhance this, as appropriate for the custom that is being deliberately violated.

Note: This can be any custom the referee chooses. The most obvious one would be compelling the players to remain nude among a planetful of prudes, but a sufficiently imaginative GM can undoubtedly find other options that will have high entertainment value.
or.. on a roll of 100.. you develope a BAD case of the "TROTS"... out on the landing pad, and NO rest room for 3 MILES!!!!....your in BIG trouble mister!!! :eek:
For backwater worlds:

#123 - Your vessel and services are commandeered by local officials to evacuate women and children from the colony in the face of (insert emergency here)

#124 - Your vessel and services are commandeered by local officials to prosecute pirates operating in the system

#125 - Your vessel and services are commandeered by local officials to deliver much needed medical supplies to a distant settlement

#126 - Your vessel and services are commandeered by local revolutionaries bent on overthrowing an oppressive regime
Again, for "Backwater systems"...

#127- as in (#125/Ran Targas post), save that the medical supplies are partly cover of weapons (type & TL dependent on system, plus one Techlevel superior to local forces) being smuggled to revolutionaries of (#126/Ran Targas).

#128-- Local govt/forces commandeer crew & ship to replace insats that have been backlogged for decades on parts to keep weak early warning systems operational against pirates (see #124).

#129--An Imperial Starburst Ranger* (Think Like US federal Marshals) commanders your ship to transport a wanted criminal back to Subsector Capital for prosecution. His badge carries the weight of an Imperial Warrant (Duke equivalent).