• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

At the starport, you discover...

#130 - a waiting holovid crew accosts the exiting crew and passengers convinced that a celebrity is onboard.
#131 - same as #130 except that it's a horde of crews.
#132 - same as #130 except that it's a horde of fans.
#133 - absolutely nothing. The local officials are curteous, and all services are prompt. Things run very smoothly. Too smoothly...
#134 - a pair of contestants for some reality show and a holovid crew filming them attempt to book passage immediately outsystem.

Sidebar Liam.

These 'Sunburst Rangers' sound very cool.

(BTW the Federal Marshalls lay claim be being the first organised Civil Police force. At least according to a book about Interpol that I read recently.)

I've seen mention and images them in a number of place on the Traveller RPG site.

Are their RULES/Fluff for them posted somewhere.

I WANT to incoporate them into MTU.
Originally posted by Garf:
Sidebar Liam.

These 'Sunburst Rangers' sound very cool.

(BTW the Federal Marshalls lay claim be being the first organised Civil Police force. At least according to a book about Interpol that I read recently.)

I've seen mention and images them in a number of place on the Traveller RPG site.

Are their RULES/Fluff for them posted somewhere.

I WANT to incoporate them into MTU.
E-mail Bryan Gibson at sabakakrazny@aol.com for the rules/ set up fer em.

And thanks fer the compliment! ;) :D
#135- You observe a loading robot malfunctioning and rescue a small child from getting trampled/ injured by its dumping off luggage in the Luggage pick-up (starport Concourse).

#136-(Downport ATM-credit Kiosk)A Stewardess (or gender opposite a PC's) from another ship asks you to Watch their back using a public access terminal
(a) legit-she wants to make a withdrawal/ but not miss her shuttle back topside
(b) Sinister- you're a patsy while she cleans out several accounts illegally!

#137- (TAS Hotel Lobby) Famous Celebrity Gambler recognizable by PC's is seen getting mugged by some torpedoe types (in 40's movie language- thugs)..

#138-(as above) but Celebrity tells them (Fast talks/Bluffs/tells a whopper) YOU (your PC or PC's) "have the money"..(start running fellas!)

#139-(Warehousing)Labor Union Strike by Starport Longshoreman's Guild versus new automated loading robots forces PC's to choose between the organic, and the silicon..
(and yes, the Union will retaliate if they choose "wrong")..

#140-Famous Celebrity passenger on PC's ship changes places with one PC to "avoid the press"..and dies...His agent has your PC maintain the disguise in order to clear planet and avoid costly lawsuits with several ex-wives on this world..
Still More; Based on what we're cookin down on the starport 101 page..

#141- (Warehousing/ cargo loading docks)-a body falls out of a 10dtn cargo bin labelled "radioactive Ores" about to be placed on your ship--Body has no ID..

#142-(Kiosk/Food sellers) why its not good to try the corndogs from the Hiver Food seller...

#143-(Kiosk/foodsellers)- Some clumsy lout stumbles into you and spills his Coffee juice all over your outfit-ruining it...

#144-(as above 143) ..but you're part of Gateway Candid Televid Show..(and are being filmed live!!!)

#145-(Food Kiosk) you are sitting in a table reserved for four sophonts-the waiter made a mistake. They are: An eye-patch wearing Aslan Male with a BIG GUN (large caiber 19mm magnum revolver); a grinning male Ithklur in faded Levi's@tm. and black T-shirt saying "Grav ASSLT School DI", & Lotsa Marine tattoos; A dead ringer for X-Men's Rogue (without the white hair) in Black TL-E formfitting vacc suit; and a dark haired, male Human in a black Ballistic weave TL-E Trenchcoat with a sardonic smile. All are wearing weapons, except the last shortest sophont.

#146-(as above except the waiter's mistake is on THESE new comers)..

#147- (SHuttle waiting lounge) Two Interstel@ reporters (Mike & Boris) on their way to the Raider March to get news (anything worth printing) on piracy, drinking like men consigned to death in a few days..

#148-(as above147)These are you're passengers!

#149-(worse still), the four sophonts in (#145) are boarding your ship as mid passengers..

#150-An abandoned alien baby in the Shuttle lounge...

#151-(as above), but child is Human..
#152. Trader Jim walks up to you, you recognise him, he says, look friend I'm going to make you an offer you cant refuse...... :eek:
Trader Jim shoots, mega corp marketer...states Coffe Juice patent is All mine!!!!....Trader Jims Lawyers go on a corp RAMPAGE!!! :eek:
yet more..

#155- Two well known HOLOVID celebrities getting into an argument at the TAS Hotel lobby (starport concourse), PC's are witnesses to what is later called in the tabloid's as "a messy tiff" over a extramarital affair/ bad business deal/ embezzlement/ Holovid copywright infringement.

#156- (As above 155) except the two are local Politicians...

#157-(also as in 155) except the two are well known religious leaders of the same faith.

#158- (as in 157) except leaders are from opposing faiths...

#159-(as in above) save one of the HV stars/politicians/religious leaders shoots and wounds the other, fleeing the scene..

#160-(as in 159) except one sophont is fatally shot in the head struggling for the weapon, ironically the weapon owner..

#161-(as in 160)the attacker is killed by the weapon owner in selfdefense..PC's are witnesses, again.
you discover (still more again...!)blame the 4th of July 3-day Holiday on this one for influencing me!

162.- This Port's employees on this world are enjoying a Local festival, and won't return to work for 1-3 days!

163.-The local taboo against working on this particular day.

164.-The siesta time on this warm inclement world
runs between midday and an hour from sun down.

165.-(as in #162) but the festival is a religious one, and only non believers are allowed to work.

166.-The National Holiday of Independence falls on the morning after you've landed. All business in the port save Hostelry & food concessions halts.(duration determined by GM)

167.- A National Holiday is declared at the birth of world leader's heir! Business grinds to halt for 1 T-day (24hrs).

168.-Non Union Labor (scabs) hired to replace striking CH guild worker's discover the unsafe working conditons and walk off the job, and back through the strike lines...Player's cargo sits half unloaded/ loaded.

169.-discover your reserved rooms at the TAS (or in non Imp C+ port, 5 star) Hotel have been given over to a newlywed couple from a foreign Embassy.(the AMbassador's Daughter!)

170.- the food kiosks and resturaunts have been closed after an unexplainable offworld virus traced there has killed several dozen sophonts. All food cargoes are immediately seized & impounded By planetary security/ port security).
And now for something completely different!'--Aliens in the port.

171.-You notice an alien-sophont (insert your favorite here Oh GM), being accosted by native humans & accused of stealing their jobs!

172.- An Ursa in the food court becomes enraged by the presence of an ignorant but wealthy big game Hunter.

173.-(at Customs-just outside the Port/in "startown")Three Hivers approach you with a request to escort them to their ship. They promise a high credit pay off for their safe return.

174.- (as in 173)The Hiver's are being pursued by an angry mob who reacted badly to a "manipulation".

175.-(as in 173 & 174) except the payment is in shares in the Hiver *Corndog fastfood franchise recently opened in the Port's Food Kiosk!

176.- A minor Humaniti member of the opposite sex appeals to your good judgement on a matter of interspecies compatibility (a Luriani or Sydite)-in discussion only.

177.-(as in 176), except the sophont to be the new spouse sees/ overhears this with the approriate over-reaction!

178.-(as in 171) except it is a human who is accosted and the aliens who are threatening the poor devil with job-theft!

179.-(any location in the port)An alien starship is fired upon by Starport defense forces in mistaken identity as a corsair.(again, choice of aliens/ and a native built ship of their own design is up to GM/ campaign).

180.-(as in 179) Except the ship is an alien Corsair vessel!
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
180.-(as in 179) Except the ship is an alien Corsair vessel!
No such thing. There are only Vargr Naval ships and honest Vargr Traders. Everything else is slander pursued by agents of the Imperium to justify their blatant xenophobia concerning the Chosen race of the Gods. For too long have we had to live with legalized slavery and apartheid - the segregationist policies of not only the 3rd, but also the 2nd Imperium with regards to the loyal, peaceloving Vargr. Megacorps rape our planets, and use our labor to make their trillions of Crimp, while our families go hungry in our ghettos...
Why just look around - I, an honest, hardworking far trader, have to sit in this crappy lounge, apart from the rest of 'Humaniti', for what reason? My ancestors came from Terra, same as yours, yet I'm not 'worthy' of sitting next to you... :(

Originally posted by MADDog:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
180.-(as in 179) Except the ship is an alien Corsair vessel!
No such thing. There are only Vargr Naval ships and honest Vargr Traders. Everything else is slander pursued by agents of the Imperium to justify their blatant xenophobia concerning the Chosen race of the Gods. For too long have we had to live with legalized slavery and apartheid - the segregationist policies of not only the 3rd, but also the 2nd Imperium with regards to the loyal, peaceloving Vargr. Megacorps rape our planets, and use our labor to make their trillions of Crimp, while our families go hungry in our ghettos...
Why just look around - I, an honest, hardworking far trader, have to sit in this crappy lounge, apart from the rest of 'Humaniti', for what reason? My ancestors came from Terra, same as yours, yet I'm not 'worthy' of sitting next to you... :(

To quote a terran phrase Maddog-"Thou barkest up the wrong tree"-see (#179-GM supplies alien race)- the entry reads 180. (as in 179..).
its late, we've both been up, and while I appreciate your Vargr POV, & roleplaying- you need to pay attention to detail.

evil GM rat bastiid,
Hey, MADDog, you lousy (and I mean that literally
) Vargr, you can come sit next to me!
Just don't try to pick my pocket...

181: An alien of some unknown species comes up to you, claiming to be from beyond Known Space and claiming to have the IMOJ on its/her/his trail. It later turns out that the alien is some red-zoned minor race near the center of the Imperium who somehow escaped and was returned to its homeworld.

182: As above, but the alien is actually from beyond Known Space. It/he/she hires the characters to take it back home, and improves their Jump drives by 2-7 to get it there. The IMOJ is still on its tail, but wants to capture it and learn it secrets.
Only funning...
You should have seen my RP Rant on TML...It was a thing of beauty. They were having a gearheaded discussion about the plausability of gas giant skimming...So I couldn't resist...

JUST For maddog & other vargr out there:

183.- A large protest group of Vargr, [both genders, mixed types of] protesting "2nd-class citizenship" & discrimination by local government in the starport Customs XT zone.
184) "Your attention please! Welcome to Beta Complex! Returning citizens, please have your identification and SECLAR cards ready. New visitors, please follow the black line to the Security Office for clearance and registration. All terminal personnel are reminded to stay alert, trust no-one, and keep your crowd-control devices handy. And remember, the Mainframe is always your Best Friend!"

(Feeling a little Paranoid yet?)
Originally posted by Keklas Rekobah:
184) "Your attention please! Welcome to Beta Complex! Returning citizens, please have your identification and SECLAR cards ready. New visitors, please follow the black line to the Security Office for clearance and registration. All terminal personnel are reminded to stay alert, trust no-one, and keep your crowd-control devices handy. And remember, the Mainframe is always your Best Friend!"

(Feeling a little Paranoid
There is NO truth to the rumor that this complex contains an execution chamber disguised as a tri-D theatre. Please sit back now, and enjoy our feature presentation...