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awarded baronies

[m;]Drop the Thatcher/Socialism tangent.[/m;]

It's modern politics (by the post Korean War guideline), and I'm being nice with a public warning instead of immediate 3-days for both Whipsnade and Flykiller.

Your last few posts may be edited and/or disappear to the pit after the staff discussion.

Relevant posts: 37 38 39

Edit: Have been edited.
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Could we edit the posts in question? There was maybe one or two "naughty" sentences in each, but there was a lot of other good stuff I'd wouldn't like to see disappear down the Memory Hole.
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It would be as case of the Imperium telling the Graytch "From time to time, we will send people to live among you. They may work and they may not be harmed, but they also may not leave. Do this and you will be allowed to continue living in the manner of your ancestors."

Eh. Twele is a "colony" for the Graytch as well. Half a million of them. That's not high density spread around a belt in a region that has been under exploration and settlement since before the Vilani took to space. The chance that there are countless rocks with literal spider holes carved into them is distressingly high if you are trying to govern the place.

At the same time the Law Level isn't high enough to make the prison colony idea all that dominant, though there might be one there.

Looking at the rest of the neighborhood, we see that two more Graytch worlds (including their homeworld) are also Military Reservations, while several others are not. I think we're probably seeing the aftermath of "counter-Imperial activities" as opposed to some long-term Imperial reservation.
Could we edit the posts in question?

't's alright, doesn't matter.

Scratch the prison camp idea.

could still work, for all the reasons you mentioned before (aliens don't care) and for rehab and for imperial interests.

three boats that might be seen in the system. course they might be seen elsewhere too.

patrol ship (x12)
  hg2, tech 12, 1200 dtons, spheroid/streamlined/landable
  crew 59
      capt, rescue operations officer, 3 pilots, 2 navigators, chief engineer, chief gunner, ship's surgeon
      4 aides, 13 engineers, 3 gunners, 2 service
       8 boat pilots
      10 rescue (4 medics, 2 engineers, 2 electronics techs, 1 mechanic, 1 computer tech)
       9 troops (1 police captain watch commander, 4 teams of 2 officers each)
    54+2 staterooms
    recreation facilities
    computer model 6fib
    jump 1
    maneuver 4
    83 energy points
    fuel purifier
    full internal fuel tankage for 1 parsec of jump and 4 weeks of power plant ops or 10 weeks of power plant ops
    factor 8 beam laser battery (one full gunnery station, full battery backups)
    armor 0 (+4 inherent to tech 12 imtu)
    2 factor 4 sand caster batteries (two full gunnery stations, full battery backups, full reload magazines)
    2 damage control stations
    medical facility (40 dtons: triage (6 dtons), surgery (6 dtons), 4 icu's (3 dtons ea), 8 beds (2 dtons ea))
    brig (8 cells)
    lowberths (20)
  carried craft
    2 [url=http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Gallery/index.php?n=2288][b][u]rescue gigs[/u][/b][/url]
    4 [url=http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Gallery/index.php?n=2284][b][u]lifeboats[/u][/b][/url] (capacity 2 pilots + 32 elb ea) (two for patrol ship crew, two for victim crew/passenger rescue/evacuation)
    2 airrafts
    19 dtons (6 months endurance)

sdb (x2)
  hg2, tech 12, 1900 dtons, spheroid/streamlined/landable
  crew 39
      capt, xo, 3 pilots, 2 navigators, chief engineer, chief gunner, ship's surgeon
      4 aides, 18 engineers, 5 gunners, 2 service
    39+2 staterooms
    recreation facilities
    computer model 8fib (obsolete discard, supplied and maintained by subsector capitol shakhamash)
    computer model 6fib backup (native support)
    maneuver 6
    183 energy points
    fuel purifier
    full internal fuel tankage for 4 weeks of power plant ops
    factor 8 beam laser battery (one full gunnery station, full battery backups)
    armor 4 (+4 inherent to tech 12 imtu)
    2 factor 4 sand caster batteries (two full gunnery stations, full battery backups, full reload mazazines)
    2 damage control stations
    medical facility (16 dtons, 1 consult, 1 surgery, 2 icu's, 2 beds)
    brig (3 cells)
    lowberths (12)
  carried craft
    2 [url=http://www.travellerrpg.com/CotI/Gallery/index.php?n=2284][b][u]lifeboats[/u][/b][/url] (capacity 2 pilots + 32 elb ea)
    27 dtons (6 months endurance)

lowberth transport (ronin, prisoners) (x4)
  hg2, tech 12, 600 dtons, cylinder/streamlined/landable
  crew 18
      capt, 3 pilots, 2 navigators, chief engineer, ship's surgeon
      4 engineers, 2 service, 2 troops, 2 medics
    18 staterooms
    recreation facilities
    computer model 3
    jump 3
    maneuver 2
    19 energy points
    fuel purifier
    full internal fuel tankage for 3 parsecs of jump and 4 weeks of power plant ops or 40 weeks of power plant ops
    armor 0 (+4 inherent to tech 12 imtu)
    1 damage control station
    medical facility (16 dtons, 1 consult, 1 surgery, 2 icu's, 2 beds)
    lowberths (200)
  carried craft
    0 dtons (two months endurance)
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yeah, tried to cover all the bases, think I did. can overbear just about any civilian ship or crew, good restoration/rescue capability, good medical response, and not limited to just that one system. arduous duty so some recreation capability and almost everyone has their own cabin.
Twele is a "colony" for the Graytch as well. Half a million of them.

wiki.traveller says 50%. iirc.

At the same time the Law Level isn't high enough to make the prison colony idea all that dominant

"B" seems harsh enough. and that's just for the potempkin village workers' paradise areas, doncha know ....
It reminds me of a long endurance USCG cutter. It has a nice "paramilitary" mix of features and would make for a nice campaign "focus" for one of those "Each player has multiple PCs" type games.
Of a Pop 6, Multiplier 1 total population, yes.

well that's the "official" population, sure ....

The multiple occurrences of Graytch populations under Mr rule suggests something else, though.

it does. but for me twele is peripheral, I should focus on gudak. if anyone decides to game in gudak the referee can figure out the details of twele.
I should focus on gudak.

Just looking at where Gudak is, it makes for an interesting campaign starter. The UWP is not particularly exciting by itself, but sitting as it does two X-Boat links from the S'mrii homeworld AND the Graytch homeworld, and only a bit farther from the Lancia homeworld and the local Imperial Depot, it maintains more importance than a sleepy Ag-World normally might. Gudak is home to all of one thousandth of the subsector population, but in a dense subsector of 80+ billion that has only four Ag worlds total, that and its location might be enough.
noble structure

    lady kigakiimga gubadai, 566BBE, 47
      baroness of gudak
      logistics comodore, imperial navy
      logistics 2*, administration 2*, liaison 2*
      leader 1, ship tactics 1, fleet tactics 1
      uuiimmas augke (husband), 777ACC, 50
        scholar of and lecturer on imperial history
        scholar 4*
      daughter 1
        conservative, wants marriage/children
      daughter 2
        rebellious, leaning to covert ultra lancian
      daughter 3
        dreamy, wants to travel via scout/merchant/niceGuy and see the galaxy
  baronet x1
    imperial naval production, imperial naval presence, planetary requisitions
      administration 2*, naval architect 2*
      leader 1
  knight x4
    secretary (female)
      legal 2*, administration 2*, liaison 2*
    planetary relations (female)
      administration 2*, legal 2*, liaison 2*
    inter-planetary/subsector/sector relations
      legal 2*, liaison 2*
    xboat facilities
      scout service, field/administrator
      pilot 2*, administrator 2*, carousing 2*
      gambling 1, sidearm 1

hunting in south sea island
  2nd imperium pleistocene preserve, maintained in that state since then
  moderate game management via hunting permits
    restrictions:  simple firearms only, no energy weapons, no armor
    - predator/pouncer, sabre tooth tiger
    - herbivore/grazer, mastadons
    - predator/scavenger/hijacker, dire wolves
    - predator/chaser, large dog packs
    - herbivore/grazer, high-speed antelope
    - avians, sea swans, in coastal bays
    - various large game fish
        close shoreline
    - coastal sword fish (ambushers, or come in from sea looking for coastal waders)
        hunt with spears only
    subsector duke has been by twice, second time was "successful"
noble structure

Not a bad start.

There are precisely two Landed or High Noble titles associated with Gudak according to its extended UWP: A Baron and a Knight.

There can, and usually will, be other nobles *from* Gudak and/or living *on* Gudak, and quite a few of the nobles from other nearby worlds will have factors on Gudak doing business on behalf of their own worlds, but those two are the Imperial appointees (or the heirs of such) specifically tied *to* Gudak. Only those two may use "of Gudak" as part of their forms of address.

Three other Knights and a Baronet is probably a bit light for Honor and Functionary/Ceremonial Nobles on a world with tens of millions of inhabitants.

Honor nobles have no "job" within the nobility as such; they are your Nobel Laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners, etc. They did something exceptional and were awarded for it.

Ceremonial nobles do have a "noble job", and you've provided several good ones. Ideally, the Planet/Subsector/Sector Relations task is actually the job of the High Baron, but breveting that out for day-to-day stuff could work.

Your examples look, to me, like three Knighted functionaries and an Honor Knight, and a functionary Baronet. If Gudak warranted a Duke, the "secretary" could be a Retainer Knight instead.
Gudak still needs it's Knighted Protector, or whatever variation of that idea the locals use as a title, Sir ___, Knight Tenant of Gudak.
looking at the nobility described (to use the word loosely) in various sources it seems nothing more than color to me. I'm kind of feeling my way forward towards something that would plausibly work so I value the comments and would welcome more.

There can, and usually will, be other nobles *from* Gudak and/or living *on* Gudak

yeah, I'm trying to focus on the functional imperial structure, not any decorations. the decorations are best left to any referee who runs a game there anyway (should such a thing happen ....)

Your examples look, to me, like three Knighted functionaries and an Honor Knight, and a functionary Baronet. If Gudak warranted a Duke, the "secretary" could be a Retainer Knight instead.

not sure what the terms mean. I can't see a "we need someone here so let's knight somebody to fill the slot" process as being sustainable (is that "honor"?), so I see nobility as semi-permanent or permanent and carrying certain expectations and understandings making them capable of serving the imperium in a proper manner (is that "retainer"?)

Ideally, the Planet/Subsector/Sector Relations task is actually the job of the High Baron, but breveting that out for day-to-day stuff could work.

in practice everything about the world is the responsibility of the baron (what is high?), and in practice yeah they'll farm out the actual work to experts. gudak is right on the corner of a subsector in a major high-pop high-tech trade route system that crosses 3 subsectors, and gudak's primary trade partner will be udap which is in another sector entirely - the dukes and sub-dukes (or whatever they are) will have an interest in the activities on the borders of their realms, and some dedicated nobility with proper understanding and perspective to address that issue seemed necessary.

same with the xboat service and imperial portion of the shipyard and specific planetary relations themselves. these advisors must have an imperial perspective, not any roots in a world.

Gudak still needs it's Knighted Protector

what would be that person's function?
ER, ok on the rest, but worlds have their own governments, wouldn't that high noble be more like in charge of Imperium affairs, not running the planet?
ER, ok on the rest, but worlds have their own governments, wouldn't that high noble be more like in charge of Imperium affairs, not running the planet?

That varies. A lot. The Marquis of Aramis, for example, is the figurehead of the local government, with some executive powers.

In several worlds, the defacto government is the imperium, in various ways.

In 1107, the Duke of Earth has very little on-paper authority, as the governor of Earth is the Marine in charge of the Occupation of Earth by the IMC.

Another word in the marches is actually run directly as a series of individual fiefs. The nominal world government is a planetary moot...
can't update the map key next to the map anymore, so here's the map and map key again.


ER, ok on the rest, but worlds have their own governments, wouldn't that high noble be more like in charge of Imperium affairs, not running the planet?
As others have said, it depends on the local system and their rules.

Also, I have posited elsewhere it is an issue of population. That the Imperial Knight for a 300 person mining colony would be a bigger fish than an Imperial Knight on an industrial planet of 5 billion sophants.

Lemish (population 1 million) appoints the local Baron as Governor, or head of state of the system government. This is different from being head of government itself in much the same way that many constitutional monarchies divide up the responsibilities of the executive between the monarch and the prime minister.

GT Nobles has a whole bunch of jobs that an Imperial noble may hold. Different systems will do things differently.