mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
I agree with some of the sentiment behind your post, but let's play devil's advocate for a while 
The Imperium doesn't impose a culture on its member worlds.
Not in the frontier sectors at any rate - I have long suspected that the core sectors are under much more direct Imperial rule and culture.

Canon source for Aslan and Vargr practicing infanticide please. I can give historical examples of human cultural infanticide, eugenics and ethnic cleansing (but this isn't the pit so I won't) but I don't recall it being mentioned in their Alien Modules.Certain instinctual behaviors would be suppress in the Imperium over Usrae and Vargr Territories. Example of this would be: the natural instinct to leave the runt of the litter die. Infantcide was also mention in this thread. Aslan, Vargr and Usrae enclaves would be harassed or charged with Murder in such cases. The backlash would cause these three races to see the Human element of the Imperium as a threat. So you have to make a choice.
Just as humans supress their instinctual nature for the sake of society.First, the three above mention races living in the Imperium made the choice to live there. Their decision to do so has altered the view of their culture and they suppress instinctual behaviors because it is beneficial to their race as a whole.
The Imperium doesn't tell member worlds what to do, and turns a blind eye to many a repulsive human culture on a member world. See the Traveller Adventure for examples of worlds like this.Second, The Imperium is aware of these Instinctual behaviors and allow them to be practice. The Problem with is, if it acceptable in one culture to be killed over an insult, the discord and violence would be wide spread. Most humanoid races would see these races as disrupted and not allow them to settle within their territory. Such Alienation would sooner lead to a wider spread problems, forcing them to discuss and enact laws protecting these races, even setting up 'Districts' within their own empire to allow these races to thrive. Such power bases could eventually, topple the Imperium from within.
The Imperium doesn't impose a culture on its member worlds.
Not in the frontier sectors at any rate - I have long suspected that the core sectors are under much more direct Imperial rule and culture.
The Imperium isn't tolerant, it is non-interventionist and deliberately ignorant of world culture. It couldn't give two hoots for the standard of living of 'Imperial citizens' on member worlds.Finally, The whole mindset of the Imperium is one of tolerance. Alien races are living within their border are allowed to do whatever they like on the planet they inhabit, while playing nice when on other worlds. Starports are evidence of this. But we also see the Imperium reacting to 'misbehaving planets' with superior firepower. Swear oath to the Emperior is not going to stop the bigotry or prejudice in the surrounding planets or planet side communities surrounding these enclave. The Imperium would spend more time and material suppress such actions, than guarding their borders. In the end, it would still be behavior modification through force.
Did they choose or was the choice made for them?That is why I look at interstellar communities as melting pots. Alien Races CHOOSES to live under the central authority because it has it's advantages. Therefore, they adapt to this environment because it beneficial to their species. The exchange of ideas also effect the outlook of the race who has entered into this partnership.
Why have you lumped the Aslan in with the Vargr and the Ursae? The Aslan are not an uplift - they are a race that attained sentience through evolutionary means and only have a passing resemblance to lions.Now, those living in areas where the Central Authority is Vargr, Usrae or Aslan will do things differently than those living in the Imperium because that's who they are. So these 'Civilized' members of their race are seen with the same bigotry as those in Human dominated space. Hell, they may not even be allowed back into their territories for fear the Imperium is trying to subvert them.
In the end, it's a catch 22 for those Alien Races living under Imperium rule.