Really? OK, then tell me, people who are too physically challenged to pass a military physical (in Real Life, I mean), what would their physical stats be in CT terms? 222? 111? 000?
Yeah, I have always wondered about this. I don't see people like this getting into the military unless they do something like skip basics and AIT and go right for the officers corps through ROTC. Of course, CT leaves plenty of avenues open. There are only ten ranks and we do not really know much about the structure of military training in CT. I always liked Mercenary, HG and Scouts, because they gave a more detailed character roll-up.
As it is now IMTU. I have redone all of the character tables. There is a delux roll-up that takes more time, but adds lots of cool details and there is a streamlined roll-up that is pretty much like the basic tables in CT.
We decided that CT allowed people to become officers too easily, so we added a lot of enlisted ranks. At the same time we created a few OCS-like programs that allowed characters with higher ED, IN and SS scores to start as NCOs or Second Lieutenants and skip the enlisted ranks. The NCOs and Officers recieve different skills. NCOs get skills like Hvy Weapons, Tactics, Leader, Demolitions, Instruction etc. and the officers get skills like Tactics, Leader, Admin etc. Each Branch (Army, Marines, Navy) has several Military Occupational Specialties. For example . . .
Army has: Infantry, Jump Troops, Armored, Artillery, Special Forces and Service/Support.
Marines have: Infantry, Lift Infantry, Elites (these guys are used as shock troops or specially trained ship's troops for boarding parties and are like Special Forces), Armored, Artillery and Service/Support.
Navy has: Crew (standard ship's crew), Line (Like ship's crew, but with more fighting trim), Gunnery, Flight, Technical (engineering, comms, comp, and etc. specialists).
Mercs get: Infantry, Drop Infantry, Cavalry (armored), Artillery, Commandos (these are like a mix of Army Special Forces and Marine elites they have the option to take both recon or Zero-G skills, but because they get both they might do it less effectively than their army or marine counter parts depending a bit on the luck of the die and the choices they make) and of course Service/Support.
Each service Branch has an intial or more intial skills.
Each MOS has a different intial skill that the characters receive on their 1st term (Infantry gets rifle combat, Armored gets the choice of Vehicle or Artillery (gunner), Artillery gets Field Artillery or Fwd Obs, etc.).
Enlisted, NCO and Officer Characters each roll on different Personal Development tables (NCOS on the NCO table; Officers on the Command Table; Enlisted on the Army Life, Marine Life, etc. table).
Characters with higher ED attribute scores get to roll an extra skill.
Uh oh, maybe I should open another thread?