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Blue Darrians Petition!

Do you want Blue Darrians to be added to the OTU?

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Border Reiver

SOC-14 1K
Despite not having an agreement about their history yet, who here in principle would like to see the Blue Darrians added to the OTU?
Despite not having an agreement about their history yet, who here in principle would like to see the Blue Darrians added to the OTU?
In my case the answer depends on their history. :D

If they're just a myth, I think they'd be an excellent addition to Darrian lore. If they're regular Darrians who paint or tattoo themselves blue, sure, why not? If they're a genetically altered species with weird body chemistry, no.

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I voted no, but not because they're a "bad" idea.

They simply don't belong in the OTU. They could be very good in someone's personal TU however and thus should be developed and posted.

Voted no. As another poster mentioned these should be the subject of one's personal Traveller universe (as they are in mine). I think there is enough room in the Traveller Universe without wholesale importing of D&D concepts/monsters in (although, I am not adverse to a few).

Traveller can still have a sense of horror and wonder without having just Lionoids, Tigeroids and Bearoids; and equally, without D&D monsters.

Just look around you and see the native species of your region outside the city extrapolate what if that were another genus and give it some traction by thinking what makes the evolution of world x unique. If in doubt, one can always use Australia as a reference point.

:mad::frankie:And, there is no need to populate the world with kanga-oids, if you did not figure out the tone of this post...
Doesn't matter how we vote anyway.

If Mongoose wants em then OTU they become - much the same way the GT alien books introduced some very dodgy alien races to the GATU/OTU ;)

I voted no, but not because they're a "bad" idea.

They simply don't belong in the OTU. They could be very good in someone's personal TU however and thus should be developed and posted.


I agree with this, but let me add a rather more emphatic NNNNOOOOO!!! to it.
Me, but I want some Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls, too.

Oh wait, the Aslan are already in there.
Me, but I want some Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls, too.

Oh wait, the Aslan are already in there.
Space? Yes, Aslans do travel in space.
Pirate? Only as an abberation.
Amazon? No, Aslan females do not perform male tasks.
Ninja? No. Aslans don't skulk.
Catgirls? No. Aslans are not felines.

Ah well, one out of five ain't...

...actually, one out of five is pretty bad.

Amazon - aslan females do not perform aslan male tasks (usually) but they do perform human male tasks

Ninja - aslan war of assassins?

Catgirls - like it or not they look like cats

I make it 4/5 ;)
Amazon - aslan females do not perform aslan male tasks (usually) but they do perform human male tasks
Typical Amazonian tasks like fighting, you mean?

Ninja - aslan war of assassins?
Aslan assassins don't act like ninjas.

Catgirls - like it or not they look like cats
Not so. They vaguely resemble lions. If you actually study the pictures, you'll note that the resemblance is not all that great. Unless you believe the images Mongoose hawks, in which case they look like Lion-men of Mongo[*]. I haven't seen any of Mongoose's female Aslans, but I'll believe they're portrayed as lion-women if you tell me so. That just tells me Mongoose got it wrong. After all, I have the original pictures to looks at.

[*] This is not a compliment.​

Space? Yes, Aslans do travel in space.
Pirate? Only as an abberation.
Amazon? No, Aslan females do not perform male tasks.
Ninja? No. Aslans don't skulk.
Catgirls? No. Aslans are not felines.

Ah well, one out of five ain't...

...actually, one out of five is pretty bad.


Space, yup.
Pirate, yup. It's a career in AM1. :p
Amazon, yup. Still have female ship crew members doing those pesky female tasks. :smirk:
Ninja. yup. Traditional & noble Aslan occupation is assassin. Every clan has them. :D
Catgirls. Nope not feline just like Darrians aren't space elves. :devil:
??? How do they get added?

I am still developing them, currently in my notes they are Gypsy like; having the Seven Caravans, following the Code Blue, rogue-ish, high tech tinkerers...
Pirate, yup. It's a career in AM1. :p
It is indeed. So how many female Aslan pirates can you remember having seen written up, or even mentioned?

Amazon, yup. Still have female ship crew members doing those pesky female tasks. :smirk:
>>Sigh<< Amazons are female warriors.

Ninja. yup. Traditional & noble Aslan occupation is assassin. Every clan has them. :D
Try reading a description of Aslan assassins and their methods.

Catgirls. Nope not feline just like Darrians aren't space elves. :devil:
Actually, I just realized that the felinosity of Aslan females is moot. They could be as felinoid as you like and they still wouldn't be catgirls. Catgirls imply a certain style, one that is designed to appeal to the libido of male adolescent humans. I've never seen any Aslan female portrayed as eye-candy. Assuming for the sake of argument that they are indeed felinoid, they'd just be female felinoids and not catgirls.

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The Blue Darrians look like Travellers version of Drow imho .. I personally think Drow kick ass, so I dont mind Drowish Darriens, but it does seem a bit odd...

But hey -- since there is no magic in Traveller -- I would think Psionic Darriens would be a trip -- and they of course would be pirates and assassins supreme .. lol, BIG time into slave trading -- lol

so it might be fun to see a traveller minor race like that --
In my case the answer depends on their history. :D

If they're just a myth, I think they'd be an excellent addition to Darrian lore. If they're regular Darrians who paint or tattoo themselves blue, sure, why not? If they're a genetically altered species with weird body chemistry, no.


Complete negation. Only way I really want to see them in the OTU is AS an altered species.
Complete negation. Only way I really want to see them in the OTU is AS an altered species.

I would have to agree with Aramis -- cause the Blue Darrians are a D&D race (Thank you Fiend Folio -- for those who remember that far back as to when the Drow came out)

so for an OTU race? .... I would have to say no --

As a ATU race -- sure -- go for it
Why are they blue?

They are blue due to genetic manipulation, engineered with neo-hemocyaninic compunds in their blood to help them survive in colder temperatures and lower oxygen pressure.

The history behind it is that they are from one of the failed Domed Cities of Entrope. In the aftermath of the Maghiz, the stellar event that ravaged Darrian prime, ships went to Torment, where they rescued various exiles, one of which was a rogue genetic microbiologist. He promised the people their survival in the face of Entrope's extreme enviornment, though what the people got was not exactly what they had hoped for as is often the case when you listen to madmen.

Tellon said:
But hey -- since there is no magic in Traveller -- I would think Psionic Darriens would be a trip -- and they of course would be pirates and assassins supreme .. lol, BIG time into slave trading -- lol?

While being originally inspired by the Drow somewhat, they have drifted away from it in many ways. For one thing I don't believe in some manichean universe of absolute good and evil. The Blue Darrians are still people, they might be the "anti-Darrians" in many ways, but like all people they have their own hopes and dreams. No character alignments in Traveller.

Psionics? Yes, as they are friendly with the Zhodani ( to the extent of even acting as an intelligence gathering source for them), thus the Zhodani have taught them how to recognize and use their psionic potential. Nothing like having your fortune told by a real pre-cog. They are also thieves, smugglers, scavengers (they often will knit various ships together from space wrecks) as well as spies.
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