I voted no myself on including them in OTU, however I'm prolly going to use them in MTU just to cheese off a few player. prolly wont call em "Blue Darrians" though...
They are actually called Entropic Darrians, or just Entropi, Blue Darrians are just the colloquial term for them.
There's lots of real reasons why skin would turn blue. I'm talking no kidding, "Wow, that dude is BLUE!" blue. Environmental, medical, and a combination of those with (dare I say it) evolutionary and/or societal preference coupled with an isolated or secretive existance over generations could do the trick. Whether this is enough to consider these guys a stand-alone sub species is up to the individual ref. If Mongoose wants to capitalize on this type of distinction and roll with it, let's see what they come up with. I'm all for another avenue of inspiration.
AFAIK Mongoose hasn't touched upon them, they are mine. I have to admit I am a little suprised at the buzz around them, for such a quick write up and some simple artwork. I should at some point put my notes together and create a cohesive post for them, either editing my original post or a new thread altogether. In a way it is odd to think of what people are actually voting on, in that I haven't really put everything together.
As far as: "
White-hair, cyber-punk, rock-n-roll...":
White-hair- Yes they can have white hair, but also black as well, generally their genetic condition exacerbates coloration, darker hair turns darker, lighter hair turns lighter. Also there are not any half blue Darrians, either you have the full gene-set for the condition or not, however if one of your parents had a parent with the condition, then you married a full and and had offspring, they could be a full "blue" as it were. Much like typical recessive morphology.
Cyber-punk- So 90's...lol Steam-punk is now. Anyways, while I do like Gibson's "Neuromancer- Burning Chrome", Stephenson's "Snow Crash" and such, my Traveller Milieu is more set in a new Belle Epoch/Fin de Siecle (you can see it some with my Lt. Kodolitz pic in the gallery), with the Great Interstellar War breaking out. Blue Darrians are gypsy like travellers in this setting, not the meat itself, but just to spice things up. I have modelled them after the popular image of gypsies of that era. You can google the images from painters of that era, but be forewarned, they aren't safe for work, many of them; plenty of half naked babes.
Rock n Roll- Let's face it, I'm old. I do like some techno, though not much hip hop or rap, definitely not corporate rap (or cRap as I like to call it). So rock n roll, yes, think Planet Caravan by Sabbath:
Some day, I will get my act together and make a cohesive post about the blue darrians. I'm still open to ideas and suggestions about them, people can go off on a tangent because there are the seven different caravans of them. Each Caravan could be similar but different, each with it's own secret language, etc. ad infinitum. I prefer to keep it friendly though, I have enough negativity in my life without having arguments on the internet with strangers.
Best Regards,