So here goes with the big nasty math. These numbers put "Netherlands" density in the ballpark of 65 kDtons per perrson, mostly because you are worried about *area* not volume available per person. This gives you "old school agriculture" cows, pigs, elephants, whatever you really want to chow down on.
Orbital Archology "Foundation"
Base hull: 2 KM diameter by 15 Km length. Minimum thickness by FF&S is ~4 CM steel, braced for 1 G.
Base (spun) hull area = a hair over 94 square kilometers
volume is roughly 4.7x10¹¹ meters³, AKA 3.37 GIGA-tons displacement
required hull thickness + and structural members is a bit under 4 million cubic meters of steel (but only 6 GCr)
Assuming that the total mass of the asteroids is around 2.3 x 10²¹ kg
If you want to look for "resources" insystem, try here:
if 0.1% of the asteroids is suitable for building hulls from, the asteroid belt can produce just shy of 75 million of these orbital habitats. That would give an aggregate surface area of 7 billion kilometers for habitation, all of it "prime" real estate. And that's Just the asteroids (Ceres is about 1/3 of the total mass, so smelting Ceres gives over 2 billion square kilometers of area) Phobos would give "only" anothe few million square kilometers, but there are lots of "rubble" bodies floating around without cracking GG moons...
A "distopian" environment (algae vats, soylent green and minimum volume/person + 10%) gives a population of almost 1/2 BILLION sophonts per platform (and would probably need Grav plates)
A platform at the other end of the spectrum (max long-term life support size + 100% per person) gives a population of 15.6 million per platform.
These two are based on FF&S-2 numbers. The following is just extrapolating the hull area and putting people in it: that's 1 km of "waste cieling" per person, so this is likely to be what you should expect for an "agricultural" archology: 3 "towns" of 15,000 people each.
"Garden World" platform (population density = Netherlands, at 466.45 persons per square kilometer) gives a population of just under 45,000 per platform.
Cost for the steel hull is less than 3.5 billion. I get issues with the life suport rules (especially the cost and power) but this is probably because they aren't intendeed to be used this way... I'll probably look at some FF&S ships and look at a compromise solution: Extended life support would take more surface area in solar panels than this hull could carry, which is a lot of expense, especially considering the "atmosphere scrubbers" in use would tend to be things like Alfalfa...
Scott Martin