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But all power to front deflector shields.... what happened to deflector shields?


Has anyone else noticed the lack of that oh-so common line in any traveller game? Why doesn't traveller follow EVERY other sci-fi ... canon... and just stick with Shields? so while that debate goes, I'd also like to see someone come up with a working (non Black Globe) system of weaker shields... (I expect non-critical failures on this one)
Deflector sheilds?
AKA repulsor bays?

Measure -- Countermeasure
Meson -- Meson Screen
Radiation -- Nuke Damper
Missiles -- PD lasers/Sand/Repulsor
Fusion/Plasma -- Sand
Lasers -- Sand
Particle Accelerator -- Nothing?

Maybe a magnetic monopole projector for deviating fusion/plasma/PA weapons which I am assuming are charged particle accelerators, but everything else seems to be covered.

As a screen a "magnetically charged hull for repelling charged particle weapons" wouldn't be too bad. Something similar to a low powered meson screen would be appropriate, with minor variations .

A monopole projector would be similar to a repulsor bay.

Between Sand batteries, Repulsors, Nuke Dampers, Meson Screens and Black Globe Generators I don't think extra screens are really that warranted.
I would go with Sand also effecting PAs. FF&S1 also has ESA armour, but states this has no effect on Lasers and no significant effect on PAs but does work against Fusion/Plasma weapons.

Perhaps a higher power version of this could also effect PAs?
PAWs used in space combat have to be neutral, a charged beam breaks up too quickly.
For use in an atmosphere you need a charged PAW beam.

Back to the subject of screens, they could be based off this technology
Hmm, that cold plasma idea sounds interesting (see link in Sigg's post above). Is it just me or does anyone else see the parallels to jump-drive and the use of all that fuel as a buffer (shield) from jump space (energy)? You have the the fun cool weird glowy effect, and low energy harmless to hull and life but very effective block to bad energy. I kind of like it, not the least reason of which is maybe the side effect of rendering the ship invisible to active energy sensors as it jumps in works for my sensibilities regarding jump-flash (I hate the idea that some seem to think you are automatically detected when you jump into a system). This restores a chance for a stealthy jump in that I rather like. But then maybe it's the lack of sleep again that is driving the comparison
So anyway, the idea struggling against the insomnia and medicinal alcohol was something like this. Maybe the jump drive mechanics, the grid and plasma field generator could be used as a desperate kind of deflector screen. Interrupt the jump at the last marginally safe time (before the major burn of fuel) using say 10% of the fuel (per T20's rules on page 354). This would give you a one turn "screen" that would make you invisible to sensors (all sensor locks lost and all targeting for that turn subject to a negative), and protect against any hits that did result (say a temporary armor rating of 1 per jump number used, effective against meson too?). I dunno, just free associating here. Anyone with more rational and lucid thoughts on the matter?
That makes perfect sense Lord Dan, I have long thought that the offshooot technology from the development of the Jump Drive seems to be rather narrowly focused. Tech like that represents a fundamental alteration of physical laws... this should have more effects than just travel.

Dropping out of normal space is a BIG deal, and it seems strange that only one major thing has come from making Jump Drives (that is, if you discount the "Jump Projector")

I wouldn't think it would make the ship sensor invisibile though, if anything quite the contrary, due to intense gravitic and electromagnetic distortions and what have you... maybe the proto-jump bubble would stick out like a sore thumb against the background of normal space?
The blasters and starship weapons in Star Wars seem to work like a charged plasma/fusion bolt would. Searing damage and impact damage plus splatter - exactly what a FGMP would do. So, the "magnetically charged hull for repelling charged particle weapons" would seem to fit for that. The Star Trek Phasers work on a principle of phased energy, so, I guess a phased charge on the hull would repel that. I always thought that shields were a great idea, too. Traveller is more towards the realistic physics, tho.

There's an article on Freespace Traveller about a "defense shield" based on the physics (or lack thereof) of the CT maneuver drive.

Look here: Plantier Shields for the suggestion by Ken Pick.
Jump-Flash: defintitely has to be something there - you are going to shed or convert a LOT of energy. However, if nobody happens to be looking at THAT spot, it is terribly short-lived and doesn't travel far. I would allow stealth jumps, but they would have to be in an abnormal location (say, well outside the normal distance).

I think, therefore, that a "shield" against plasma and fusion weapons could definitely be built from the jump matrix. I would say you would have to actually construct a separate mechanism for this, though. The idea that you could just underpower the jump drive would be counter-intuitive, given jump "science".
Going into jump releases a hell of a lot of energy, and it's gonna be seen halfway accross the system. The only people you'll be invisible to are the ones who were too close and had their sensors burned out!

Coming out, OTOH, is much less visible (according to canon).

Aborting a jump is probably a good way to melt your drives.
Jump capacitors have to be fully charged to jump.
18EP per 100 tons of ship and per jump number.
That's a lot of energy at 250MW per EP ;)

The jump procedure can't be 100% efficient, so some of this energy will be in the form of EM radiation. How much is up for debate.
I've got an evil plan for a weapon that can channel all that energy into a weapon of some sort.
A super-sized plasma or fusion gun, or an x-ray/gamma ray laser; perhaps a PAW or meson gun.
My favorite though is something Malenfant suggested - a space/time or gravity wave disruptor.
Basically the weapon focuses the jump drive energy to "pluck" the "fabric" of the universe...
I believe I read somewhere that Meson screens are also effective against Particle Accelerators Weapons

Excess energy left over from jumping into a system may quickly dissapate and not be seen further than 1 AU or it may be reduced while in jump space so that you come out without any visible EM signature.

Perhaps someone has read or made up canon concerning these possibilities.
Originally posted by cweiskircher:
I believe I read somewhere that Meson screens are also effective against Particle Accelerators Weapons

Excess energy left over from jumping into a system may quickly dissapate and not be seen further than 1 AU or it may be reduced while in jump space so that you come out without any visible EM signature.

Perhaps someone has read or made up canon concerning these possibilities.
I've not seen meson screens having an effect on PAWs anywhere, but it's an interesting idea. Can you remember where you've seen it?

I also like the idea of the exit from jumpspace being more stealthy.
Partical Acellerators are the only weapon that don't have a defense of some type against them. The problem with Screens for partical Acellerators is that a negitive charged screen will stop negitive charged beams but won't stop nuteral beams and is like putting a very large bulleseye on the ship for a positively charged beam.
As an example, AC current in the home alternates, have the sheilds 'flicker' pos/neu/neg and back again...rate the sheilds effectiveness based on flicker rate, flicker rate is in turn, based on tech level of the generator and the power fed to it from the power plant.
Traveller is a "hard science" game, and any defense against incoming weapons should have a "hard science" justification. I really don't like anything resembling "deflector shields" for this reason (nor do I allow black globes IMTU).

Defense against plasma and fusion weapons could be done with sand (millions of little particles ablating as the stream passes through are definitely going to blunt the attack), or with some kind of magnetic field to disrupt/repel the plasma.

PAWs are a tough weapon. Radiation plus normal damage, with no real defense. Luckily they are pretty uncommon in general. I'm not sure how you'd engineer something to stop a PAW. A nuclear damper might do it...?

I decided to res-erect this thread instead of starting a new one. Its general what I was thinking about from reading Poul Anderson and why there weren't shields in Traveller.

Poul Anderson mentions Magnetohydrodynamic Shields in his Dominic Flandry stories. Made me start thinking if you are using some Gravity control system for on board spaceships also acceleration not to mention anti-gravity aircars why can't you have Tractor/Repressor Beams not to mention Magnetic and Gravity Shields?