Most “radioactives” are fairly benign unless they have been in a neutron field.
Weapons grade Plutonium and Uranium are safe to handle unless / until either they are subjected to a neutron field or you manage to pile up enough in one spot to start to create a neutron field. It is worth noting that the second method is hard to do. Sustaining a chain reaction requires neutrons to be at the right speed in the same space as the target fuels.
A simple method used to store refined materials was to form it into hollow cylinders and put it into stainless steel cans. The hollow cylinders ensured that one could not stack enough material to get to the necessary concentrations. The stainless steel cans kept other materials (like water) from filling those voids. If the engineers on Earth today can design this, one could imagine this to be a shipping standard in a star faring civilization.
Now lets look at the farm boys stealing fuel rods scenario…. Either the fuel rods are not yet used or the farm boys die. XKCD describes this well.
The radiation coming off a spent fuel rod will take care of theft scenarios.
If we want to play with other radioactives, we can imagine things like Depleted Uranium. Sounds bad, right? Again, unless subjected to a neutron flux, that stuff is inert. Lead is more toxic.
We can certainly wander around the list of radioactive elements to find something that meets the plot reasons.
Personally, I like to head off to the “Island of Stability” and summon elements that we Earthlings have not discovered yet.
Hard for the nuclear physicist at the game table to tell you your radioactives are all wrong when you are using stuff that is still beyond the known space of our tech level.