I'm in agreement with this as well.
Well, the first edition Ship's Boat skill might provide another clue. There's some bits in there relating to planetary size that never made it to the second edition; almost as if the drives don't function properly in a field above one G.
I'd forgotten about that.
In 1st edition small craft can only safely take off and land on size 7 or less worlds.
To operate on worlds of size 8+ a roll of 9+ is required, DMs +2 per level of skill above 1 (you have to love the CT skill system

This suggests to me that the inertial reduction or null grav component of the maneuver drive struggles to cope in so small a craft.
Ships can allocate more power to their null grav modules and so don't have to worry about such things.
Thanks for the replies Piper, it's always a help to bounce ideas around