Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Consider, for a moment, a character who earns Medical-1 on a TL 4 world like Pysadi in the Aramis subsector of the Spinward Marches.
The US Civil War was fought at TL 4, and their method of dealing with gangrene before it spread was to chop off the effected body part. They were using maggots to clean out wounds. Early anesthetics, like the highly addictive morphine, had just made it on the scene. And, in some cultures around that time, medicines were still made from boiling plants and making sauves from crushed combinations.
Now, consider this character, and consider a character hailing from a world two parsecs away, Aramis, the subsector capital, at TL 11.
A character earning Medical-1 has an experience with medicine that is vastly different from the Pyadi character's experience. At TL 11, they're very comfortable with limb regeneration (which appeared two TLs previous). Take everything we know about medicine today, and ramp it up. Diagnostic machines. Expert Robots that can do specific jobs that some doctors aren't trained for. Miracle drugs compared to what's possible at TL 4. Etc.
Now, both of the characters meet, during a game, and try to help an injured crewman.
Who would you want helping you if you were shot...or sick?
I know that this type of thing is typically ignored in CT games. I used to just not think about it as well.
Then, I started a system where by I recorded the TL at which the character learned the skill. You can see this on the character sheet in my sig. Each skill has a TL blank next to it where I can record the TL that character knows that skill.
I'm unhappy with that.
I don't like the bookkeeping. I don't want to record that info any longer. I've found, in a game, I rarely refer to it anyway. It's wasted effort.
So, I'm trying to correct that.
I'm looking for an easy method. I want to forget about it most of the time but be able to reference it when needed--when common sense means its important.
If you handle this type of thing in your game, how do you handle it?
I'm looking for input.
If you know of a Traveller magazine article that references this type of thing, then point me the way.
Chances are, I'll come up with a rule I'm comfortable with, but I'm looking for inspiration.
Right now, I'm thinking that a "TL Range" will be more appropriate than a single TL associated with a skill. And, I'm thinking I'll figure this range just for the character--not specifically for every skill he has. That'll make it easier for NPC's as well.
I want to involve the EDU stat, too. Maybe the range is based on the EDU.
Or, maybe something simple, like rolling EDU or less when TL is a question.
I don't want something too fussy. I want something simple and easy with minimal or no bookkeeping.
Thoughts & Comments?
The US Civil War was fought at TL 4, and their method of dealing with gangrene before it spread was to chop off the effected body part. They were using maggots to clean out wounds. Early anesthetics, like the highly addictive morphine, had just made it on the scene. And, in some cultures around that time, medicines were still made from boiling plants and making sauves from crushed combinations.
Now, consider this character, and consider a character hailing from a world two parsecs away, Aramis, the subsector capital, at TL 11.
A character earning Medical-1 has an experience with medicine that is vastly different from the Pyadi character's experience. At TL 11, they're very comfortable with limb regeneration (which appeared two TLs previous). Take everything we know about medicine today, and ramp it up. Diagnostic machines. Expert Robots that can do specific jobs that some doctors aren't trained for. Miracle drugs compared to what's possible at TL 4. Etc.
Now, both of the characters meet, during a game, and try to help an injured crewman.
Who would you want helping you if you were shot...or sick?
I know that this type of thing is typically ignored in CT games. I used to just not think about it as well.
Then, I started a system where by I recorded the TL at which the character learned the skill. You can see this on the character sheet in my sig. Each skill has a TL blank next to it where I can record the TL that character knows that skill.
I'm unhappy with that.
I don't like the bookkeeping. I don't want to record that info any longer. I've found, in a game, I rarely refer to it anyway. It's wasted effort.
So, I'm trying to correct that.
I'm looking for an easy method. I want to forget about it most of the time but be able to reference it when needed--when common sense means its important.
If you handle this type of thing in your game, how do you handle it?
I'm looking for input.
If you know of a Traveller magazine article that references this type of thing, then point me the way.
Chances are, I'll come up with a rule I'm comfortable with, but I'm looking for inspiration.
Right now, I'm thinking that a "TL Range" will be more appropriate than a single TL associated with a skill. And, I'm thinking I'll figure this range just for the character--not specifically for every skill he has. That'll make it easier for NPC's as well.
I want to involve the EDU stat, too. Maybe the range is based on the EDU.
Or, maybe something simple, like rolling EDU or less when TL is a question.
I don't want something too fussy. I want something simple and easy with minimal or no bookkeeping.
Thoughts & Comments?