Originally posted by daryen:
What would an civil war fought on a very high population, TL F, balkanized world look like? Would there even be any survivors?
Taking a smidgeon of human social evolution into consideration, as a society evolves technologically, the social structures tend to evolve and mellow as well (or, at least, we would sure hope so!), making civil war less and less likely.
Human nature is, of course, human nature, so such a disaster can't be ruled out altogether.
If it were to occur, I would think the results would be eye-wateringly fast and furious, fought mostly by remote, making the "battlefield" very empty, if it could even be defined at all. Command and Control decapitation would be the first target/targets, followed by ( or concurrently with ) materiel/resource targets.
Erase the leaders and their gear in the first stroke, preferably from a long way off, without letting anyone know where they'd been hit from. Then send in some troops to police up the locals, and we all live happily ever after.
( does this sound familiar for some reason...?)