If you've got an axe to grind, or some good ideas, or helpful suggestions, or comic interjections, then please let me know here.
Measure with a micrometer.
Mark it with a grease pencil.
Cut it with an axe.
For someone who knows next to nothing about the Galaxiad era ... are you looking for ways to "evolve/age" the mainworld UWPs in and around the Spinward Marches in ways that can "make sense" for a region undergoing a recovery?
One of the things that has always bugged me about the "Empress Wave = CurbSTOMP" of all of charted space is that basically any world that isn't a shirtsleeves environment ought to have been abandoned (mainly due to dieback). This basically means that the Rich trade code worlds become the new centers of revival ... and everywhere else becomes a resource harvest. Once you get enough TL=9+ working again to start going interstellar once more, the next "pickup points" are going to be the agricultural worlds.
I would expect that any Poor trade codes along with Hellworlds to have been LONG abandoned.
Any industrial world locations, due to an inability to maintain habitat without technological support would have quickly gone into dieback conditions and likely been abandoned. You shouldn't have places like Louzy, Efate and Enope maintaining their populations through the tragedy "as if nothing went wrong at some point" and everything continued on as normal.
Likewise, places like Boughene (an orbital space station facility) would have needed to be evacuated and abandoned almost immediately. Rebuilding/restarting that kind of orbital space infrastructure from a "black start" condition would have been ... "yeah, right."
These kinds of points are probably better directed at earlier eras (1201 and/or 1248), but there's a really strange feeling of "continuity" going on with the M1900 map on Travellermap that makes it look like the mainworlds are all "basically the same" but it's just that the border lines have moved ... which doesn't feel right.
So maybe less of an axe to grind and more of an Occam's Razor in need of sharpening ...?
One thing that DOES feel somewhat misplaced is how high tech everything is in M1900 ... with TL=16-17 seemingly thrown around like party favors. I keep looking at the UWPs and wondering how many of them "break" the LBB3.81 rules for random generation.
And I'm still wondering how Rethe/Regina has a Population: A code with that UWP (E430AAB-8) in M1900 ... as if nothing has happened in the last
{checks timeline} ... 800 years ...