Patron Zero
Mind I have a huge peeve in the real world about the waste of materials and resources but won't rant here regarding such other than to say think before you consume-dispose or discard in your daily lives. 
Accepted that a starship is it's own closed Eco-system of sorts and in such that obvious measures to conserve and recycle materials and resources is a given. Obviously oxygen is a necessity, more-so the removal of carbon dioxide is unavoidable as would be the reclamation of waste water to prevent the need of frequent dumping of such and demand for acquiring new potable sources.
Past those needs-required elements, how much more aboard ship can made efficient in both material consumption and the energy required to recover such ?

Accepted that a starship is it's own closed Eco-system of sorts and in such that obvious measures to conserve and recycle materials and resources is a given. Obviously oxygen is a necessity, more-so the removal of carbon dioxide is unavoidable as would be the reclamation of waste water to prevent the need of frequent dumping of such and demand for acquiring new potable sources.
Past those needs-required elements, how much more aboard ship can made efficient in both material consumption and the energy required to recover such ?