... Besides, my point was that I can imagine a reason why you do not want to do any waste dumps during jump...
I can too, if I let my imagination run, but I have absolutely no Mongoose material and know zip about how they do things. CT leaves it all up to your imagination, and MegaTrav puts a grid on the hull of your ship that creates a field effect that maintains a pocket of normal space around your ship. Anything exiting that field is simply subject to the perverse and unknown physics of jump space - I think the consensus is it basically disintegrates, as it doesn't take much of a change in physical laws for molecules and atoms to stop wanting to hang out with each other. In fact, anything getting too close to the jump field may suffer some ill effects - death or madness being documented in canon; I suspect some change in cell membranes, but that's just me. There's no indication in CT or MT canon of any effect on the ship or its occupants from such an event - except of course for those occupants who get too close to the field.
Which I guess means it's not an issue in the CT/MT universe but is an issue in the MgT universe.