...For Ghods sake sometimes you guys go way to far and beat a dead horse....:file_21::file_21::file_21:
You gotta beat it a bit to make it tender.

...For Ghods sake sometimes you guys go way to far and beat a dead horse....:file_21::file_21::file_21:
Actually, waste volume's likely to be a good deal less unless you're projecting volume for food concentrates. A lot of foods have a fair volume of water in their mass, and if your ship is applying the custom of using water to ferry solid wastes, your ship is likely to do as HG's ship does, drawing out the water content in some manner to minimize water lost with the solid wastes.
Wha...??? I didn't think our current spacecraft were bringing home the solid wastes. Strikes me that dumping in space is not really an issue so long as you give the stuff a trajectory into the atmosphere - as long as you don't give it an orbit vector or an escape vector, it'll make it's way to the local gravity well and burn up on re-entry. Might be rules about dumping waste near a vacuum world - I'd hate to be outside in a spacesuit and get hit by something dropping down from way up there. As for ships and suchlike, given that a Traveller ship has a hull rated to repel micrometeor hits up to the impact power of a WW-II tank gun, I really don't think dried poop is going to do much, especially as the best ways to dry it out and recover the water content are also likely to leave it in a crumbly or powder state.
It already HAS an orbit vector. You have to specifically give a de-orbit vector, or you've just put it into a different, elliptical, orbit.
Oh, great, and now, if you use jump masking............That's why you 'dump' in J-space shortly before the end of the journey.
Oh, great, and now, if you use jump masking............
If an object from this universe exits the jump field of a ship, will it precipitate out or will it remain trapped in jump space? Will it travel alongside the ship and exit at the 100D border, or will it precipitate out wherever it happens to be, or will it just become part of the jump "universe"?
...Also, dumping waste in jumpspace would deform the jump bubble of the ship, and may cause a misjump. YMMV IYTU, of course.
Past those needs-required elements, how much more aboard ship can made efficient in both material consumption and the energy required to recover such ?
Emm - you are assuming a hydrogen filled jump bubble.
There are many versions of Traveller where a hydrogen filed jump bubble doesn't exist.
Show me a rulebook that specifies a Hydrogen bubble...
Emm - you are assuming a hydrogen filled jump bubble.
There are many versions of Traveller where a hydrogen filed jump bubble doesn't exist.
Yup, it is.MgT has one. Don't have my books in front of me but it is MRB I think.
Yup, it is.
In addition in T5 there are 3 ways you can make a jump field - a jump bubble, jump plates and hull grid. The jump bubble method doesn't mention filling it with hydrogen as far as I can tell.
Show me a rulebook that specifies a Hydrogen bubble...